Sustainability Master
it would be really cute with a little tinfoil hat on it.
Thank you! I'll start checking around, though nearly nobody keeps turkeys around here.If blackhead exists on your land, then you can’t keep chickens with turkeys. If it isn’t there, then it’s fine to keep them together.
Cornish Cross meat chicken is bland too. I feed the ones I raise on fermented feed. My customers tell me how much better it is than store bought.
So maybe you could feed your turkeys fermented feed.
You had a pet racoon, of course you did. What was I thinking?Drunk turkeys.......take pictures! I had a pet raccoon when I was a kid. My Daddy gave him Jack Daniels in a teaspoon, he lapped it up. The raccoon took the spoon and licked it, then started running into the walls, hunching his back up like a cat and prancing sideways.