Thanks- I plan on watching it. We don't have a tv either. We just got the tv card for the computer and watch stuff that way.
Sometimes shows will be available to watch online, after they have aired on tv.
OMG!! I laughed out loud so hard when the microwave blew up!!
I am only a couple minutes into it and so far he seems like he is fun and a little eccentric and his wife just politely disagrees with him and then lets him do whatever he wants! His son is game to try out any idea his dad comes up with!
ETA more for those who do not have TV: They brought goats home...a new experience for them. They immediately got into the house and poo'ed and pee'd on everything!
Then he told his wife he wanted to save the poo so he could bake it in the oven to dry it! The wife was like "In MY oven??" He wants to use it in his fire burning gas emulsifier for his truck.
The women on this show are a little ' want me to do what?' But they are doing it and he just has a million ideas and actually tries them out!
The wife is standing by with a fire extinguisher while he tries to get the truck started!
They try their first goat's milk and 3/4 loved it!
They got their truck started and took a trip and it ran! Now they are using horse manure to burn and run the truck!
This show is funny for a self sufficient reality show! The family gets along well and banters back and forth in a fun way! I wish they were my neighbors!
Darn, I forgot to watch!! I have an online buddy who is "life long friends of the cousins of the family" and has been talking about it for days.... rats!! Funny thing is the woman I know is about as non-SS as you can get!
Well, maybe I'm just tired and cranky, but I am not crazy about the show. :/ The goats they went to see were SKINNY. Too skinny! And then the daughter made the remark about maybe they should strain their milk because there was hair and skin particles in it. DUH.
It almost seems like the dad has been this way for while, but why do his wife and daughter (not so much the son) act like they've never done anything like this before? They act like they are totally new to the thought of doing anything out of the box.
Episode II:
Homemade moonshine and black powder guns.
She is totally NOT into being self sufficient!
He has all of the coolest toys! He has an antique corn sheller. The kind that will chew your hand up and spit it out! Then he made corn meal by running it through a modified lawn mower! He made his own copper still. He thinks his moonshine is 180 proof.
They are making their own ammo. He bought every thing you need to make your own ammo. EWW! He used stale urine to help make it! They actually made their own lead balls from a lead pipe he had laying around!
He built his own cannon or a potato gun on steroids!!
The wife is the voice of reason and the husband is totally eccentric and the son is game for anything the dad wants to do and the daughter just takes her cues from the mom but thinks her dad's stuff is kind of cool!