Super Self-Sufficient
That's good to know. 
Do those of us who are serious preppers really want the Golden Horde to know who we are, what we have and where we live?? My wife and I don't look like typical preppers--I look like a heavy-metal musician (I'm actually a freelance writer pulling down pretty decent cash) and my wife is a junior high teacher, but you wouldn't know that we're preppers because we live simply and frugally, and the preps we have and that we stock up on are out of sight and known only to ourselves and a couple family members who are also preppers (one of which is my cousin who's also my shooting buddy). Other than that and the "Obummer/BiteMe" sticker (in the design of the Obama/Biden campaign logo) on my car, there's not much that really makes us stand out demographically or otherwise.FarmerDenise said:In general I liked the show. a bit eccentric, even for us, only because it focuses on the outrageous. It was still alot of fun to watch.
I think they could do better by using us and making a series, so that people would get a more realistic picture and actually learn some how to's.