WA HOO FarmerChick


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Thurs and it is COLD outside.

big storm blew in last night. tons of rain, almost tornado like wind.
gotta say the porch and cars etc are clean. I like that--got pollen rained to the ground and the air smells clean...but cloudy and COLD outside. I hate the 50 deg day, then 80 deg, then back to 40 LOL
drives ya crazy---what to wear ya know...shorts one day, a parka the next HA

Funny story on Barb's "almost new" horse.

A friend Louann has a nice spotted saddle horse named Patches. Barb has ridden with Louann when she rode this horse. Goes everywhere on trail. Nice size, about 7. So Louann said buy Patches now and when the other nicer horse Barb likes, Rambo is trained she can change to him if she wants........so Barb got Patches.

Barb/Rex have been putting in rotational fencing for the dairy. Over $10K of fencing in just part of the fields. They rented our 14 acre pasture also to attach to the dairy pastures. WELL--tons of work with that fencing of course. 5 strand high tensil DROP DEAD electric fence. You don't knock to your knees when you hit this fence, it flat out lays ya on the ground. I know, I have hit it a few times and WOW :ep

Day one with Patches. Fine. Patches and the new little donkey Barb bought got along great.

Day 2
Rex was changing cows from one field to the other and for some reason Patches went nuts. Jumped her pasture fence next to the house, ended up in with the cows in the field behind Barb's house, started running cows, heifers flying everywhere, then ran straight thru the 5 strand high tensil fence.

Barb said Rex went nuts. Get this GD F'ing horse off this property!
You don't mess with Rexs cows HA HA

So Barb finally caught Patches and trailered her right back down the road. Patches never has left the herd and grew up in one field with Louann. Barb said no way she wants this horse and she doesn't want Rambo....LOL

(you gotta know Barb and Rex along with the fencing disaster etc...funny as hell actually this whole thing)

just rambling...I was cracking up big time when she was telling me this whole disaster

oh well, anyway
not doing much today
usual crap

off I go to get some crap done

enjoy the day ya'll


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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:he :he

crap, my damn dryer died just a few minute ago.

now I have to get another.....crap

I hate stuff like this but I sure won't live without my dryer :p

I guess tomorrow I will hit the store and get one. :th
Will have Tony look at it tonight, hopefully easy fix, if not, new one here I come LOL


On Vacation
Sep 24, 2010
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Dryers are pretty basic and usually a pretty easy fix. If it's running but just not blowing hot air it may be a blocked up exhaust hose. If it's not turning it's probably the belt. Good luck.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
yea not turning on at all.
nothing, nadda, no ignition :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Hope we get some sun today...will have to hang out a load of laundry outside. Tony didn't get a chance to check the dryer yet.

He is working so much OT. He works a 48 hr work week and then throws on 1 or 2 days of OT---putting him at 60 to 72 hrs. per week.
He is getting tired cause they are making him run 2 lines (big long lines of machines) yup, they are killing the employees...lol..all these guys are running double lines. since the last layoff a while back they didn't hire back alot of people. Now orders increased and they need product and as usual they throw double work on the employees.

thank goodness we shut down the farm biz. I don't think he could do our other farm work and this job anymore. very good move shutting down the farm to save some of his sanity and physical body LOL LOL

he was grouchy and tired last night so I couldn't torture him with my 'honey do' list.

We need to get away and camp. He needs a change of scenery, fish, relax and all that...sure helps!

I had a bunch of spring projects outside. I am going to bag a few of them for 'whenever'. I am sick of all the maintenance/upgrade work on the home LOL So going to get tons of rock for the driveway I need, and fix up the front of the house with some new mulch etc. for good looks, other than that, forget it lol all other things can wait like painting the back porch etc.

Barb stopped by yesterday. She processed a cow. She gave me tons of meat....love it! Got chuck roasts, sirloins, burger, cubed steak, ny strips, etc. She is a great friend. Keeps me from buying meat and when we process one of our angus later I will give her some back if she needs any cuts. Always great having farmer friends :)

So I gained about 12 lbs when we sold all the critters and shut down the big farm work. :barnie

I lost 70 lbs eating anything and everything and using portion control and eating more veggies, and making substitue foods. Like my fett. alfredo. Love love love that stuff. So I don't eat the fett. anymore, I just saute chicken and brocc and throw the delish alredo sauce over that and voila I lose weight LOL-------SOOOOOOoooo back to my eating better. I got off track wtih alot of eating out. Not good. I can't truly contol eating out. Well last week I tweaked a few things and (drum roll please) lost 6 lbs in one week. Oh yea, I sure can lose this 12 very fast. So another week of being real careful I should have my 12 lbs off and be back exactly where I want to be. Hey bathing suit time is coming LOL gotta look decent for the beach!!

I didn't realize how much less hard physical work I am doing now that the farm biz is gone. I wondered if I would gain up some weight when I got leisure time back and yup, I did but I caught it fast. whew....when the pants get tight, it is time to get active and fast haha

Losing weight is so easy for me now after learning how to eat for my body. Anyone can do it as long as you do what is right for you and your lifestyle and love of foods. Forcing yourself on a "diet plan" never works. Cutting out full groups of food you love will never work long term. I sure learned this!

So off to have my mini bagel and small cheese omelet this morning. Oh yea I eat good to lose weight LOL

Also journaling weight loss, like in these journals is good way to stay on track-----now that I wrote about losing the 6 lbs, and want to lose the other 6 real fast, I am commited to doing just that lol

When I hit size 10/12 jeans I said I would never go back up in size--and I won't because I gave away all my size 14 jeans HA HA and will not buy new bigger ones come hell or high water HAHA

So nothing much more happening right now. My diet and few outside projects are priority. Other than that, I want to relax...lol

if day real nice will get outside and clean up the car. that kid can destroy the back seat of a car real fast.

Tony said a guy at work got 3 cars stolen off the far back of his property....junkers he bought to fix up and remodel as his hobby. Theives just drove in, loaded up the 3 cars and took them.........so everyone on their toes again, with the bad economy, people want your crap and will just steal it straigh up. ugh

Well off I go to piddle thru the day....everyone enjoy!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
off to buy a new dryer

Tony has other metal to haul off so off to Lowe's to get them to deliver for free a new one, and take the old one onto the porch.

I hate spending money HA HA but I love buying things LOL

can ya believe it---3 days of rain setting in. I can't even hang the clothes out and I am backing up on laundry....so off like SuperGirl to get a new dryer right NOW!!!!

Waiting on Grandma to come get Nicole. They have a Sat. morning breakfast at a buffet and off to Walmart for a cheap little toy purchase.....man they have a great time!

bye all


On Vacation
Sep 24, 2010
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FarmerChick said:
yea not turning on at all.
nothing, nadda, no ignition :p
So are you going to buy a front load set on pedestals. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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nope I wouldn't pay anyone like $150 for a pedestal --I don't have that in me to do that HA HA

nope, cheap dryer. well, tad better than cheap.

this little middle priced dryer lasted me over 9 years --so I hope the next middle priced cheap dryer does the same LOL

off right now to get sticker shock HA HA

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