WA HOO FarmerChick


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Wait.......you had a beer for breakfast?

You are my hero!

And I thought pie for breakfast was impressive :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
LOL Dace
no beer for breafast yesterday---but oh yes, many times I did have beer for breakfast :lol: when younger lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
saturday and wow it is cool outside but heating up fast.

nothing much on the list....starting a batch of soap in a bit, get that load done fast and get inventory added. Soap sales are thru the roof. Hard for one to keep up sometimes lol

didn't clean those bathrooms yesterday so right after soap I must do that.

1 load of laundry----THEN----

free day! :)

Nicole's friend Emily and her family are going to a local park for a picnic....she leaves at 11 and comes home at 4....and her mom is driving both ways. WHOOP!!! with Tony at work, this gal has some free time to float in the pool and relax! oh yea :bun

got a few things to do outside but might let them slide. gonna be hot and nothing that has to get done this minute.

plus I need to get inside the camper and wash all the sheets etc. for my current season of trips starting......so bleck, forget outside work and handle camper stuff...yea sounds good

I have to say, shutting down the farm has given me so much free time it is unreal. I honestly forgot how comfortable and enjoyable life can be....took a while to adjust to 'not working every single second' thru the day---and feeling non-productive when one worked hard thru 30 years of life ---lol---but truly I love having nothing to do. It is amazing how sweet it is....plus now I don't want work. I used to go find something to do every minute, now I avoid finding work to do every minute. :lol:

I used to have a to-do list 3 pages long per day when this farm was in full swing....now I can barely fill a 1/2 page hahaha I like that big time! :)

well off to entertain myself and do a few usual cruddy chores

everyone have a great day and OH YEA for me around 11 beer will be involved. :weee


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
off to mom and dads at the lake
swim for all of us today..super hot outside, bringing Bolt cause he loves the lake also :( yet he stinks after LOL

no hard work for me today...relaxing and enjoying life
and yes beer will be involved today HAHA

dad did well at the markets, sold $600 of soaps so that means the season has begun so that makes me happy :)

oh well....gotta hit the road and see ya'll later and everyone enjoy this fine sunny hot day (well for me, who knows what weather ya'll got lol)



Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
seems ok outside, giant scary storm last night, cleaned off the porch and other bird poop off things lol

a big pecan tree fell on my mil's front porch...just missed harming the house which is good. didn't know those root systems were so shallow....tony will help chainsaw the monster on Wed when he is off from work. downed power lines cause trees fell etc. ok at my house but my pool floats are all in the horse pastuer LOL

my brother fixed my computer cpu. he said it was a firewall/security problem with downloading (??something like that) but he fixed and cleaned it all up and working great he said...he mailed it Fri to me so hope I get today or tomorrow. I need to print my soap labels SO badly lol all orders are on hold right now and backing up.

tony and his buddy bought laptops from my bro. waiting on those to be shipped here.

not doing much today....gotta hit the store for a few things, not much at all. usual pick up playroom, laundry, dust something, color my hair.

vacuum pool cause a million leaves blew in it yesterday from the storm.

last week of school :( poor me...lol, she is out 1/2 day friday and off for summer vacation. things will change for a few months.
her little friend emily lives about 2 miles down the road and I chatted with her mom Tasha. we are going to shuttle them between houses and have sleepovers so the parents get a night off...sounds good to me.

other than that, easy day. don't feel like moving fast so I will move slow today since the minute I get my puter back soap orders will go wide open and fast.

everyone have a good day.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
what a morning---the one where all is quiet and wonderful---then BOOM all heck breaks loose...lol

Tony wants to cut our 5 acres of hay today and his Dad is cutting 80 acres at the big hay field.......so hay today....along with me having to drive Nicole her sneakers at school----Carolina Panther training camp day. cool, the Panther football players come with kid size equipment and they train....kids should have a blast.

working on pool, making soap and had to run to school

Tony had a 8:45 dr. appt, DUH, they are saying 10:45---lol---he is fasting so he is begging for bloodwork to be done right now, then he can go eat,and go back to appt. (just physical)---and then he has to high tail it back and get tractors ready etc. Plus they need to start chainsawing that monster tree that fell on her porch, side of house...alot of houses have trees on the roofs...like a mini wind/tornado type deal came right thru their area. alot of damage in a small location.

oh boy we are rocking today full speed....burgers/hot dogs for dinner and french fries...haven't made french fries in ages. so everyone gets a treat....except me having to fry them HAHA I hate frying, don't know why really, but hate it LOL

and I almost hightailed it out of here for a 9:15 appt for BOLT for grooming---but, duh, that is tomorrow.....oh man the week is off for me and that is never a good thing lol

well away to get crappola done. today is a ---bunch to do and no time to do it

wah hoo


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
well we put down close to 90 acres of hay last night----and it shows 5 days of sunshine----and last night thunder and lightening!!
biting my nails practically and WA HOO NOT ONE DROP of rain thank goodness. ugh, the minute hay goes down it rains regardless of weather forecast but this time we got away fine.
Tony will tether today.

got hay down late this year but so far it is looking good.

coupons...not many....the products aren't what I use. so will just wait til my stuff comes back into the coupons and then get cracking. going to hit the store for a few things I need, use my few coupons and get out cheap as I can LOL

don't feel great this morning......have that head/woozy feeling, clogged up....heck usual for the south lol allergies are never cool, and putting down that hay gets into your nose big time lol

well off to get ready...BOLT has first grooming this morning and this stinky rat dog needs it. Bath Wednesday they call it and it is $15 for bath and groom. I guess that is good price. Heck my collie was $125 for bath and groom so $15 sounds good to me HA HA

GOTTA GET MOVING, GOTTA GET MOVING, but it seems hard to do this morning LOL

everyone enjoy their day! I will!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
my brother fixed my puter and I got it back last night in the mail.

my old keyboard...wee...the fingers know it well....and WOW IT IS running fast....he cleaned it up very well!

ah, gotta love a bro in the computer biz!!! :) of course at no charge, WEEEeeeee

Tony bought a new laptop for $150. IBM ThinkPad. Great bro gives us such good deals!

well off to get this done, since I hooked this up, all works beautiful I gotta get moving now!


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 1, 2011
Reaction score
WI - USDA Zone 4
My husband just got me an IBM Thinkpad for our anniversary. So far, it seems like a nice little computer. How awesome that you have family in the computer business. Computer repair sure can be pricey!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
FarmerChick said:
ah, gotta love a bro in the computer biz!!! :) of course at no charge, WEEEeeeee
I know that feeling well!! My GEEK son is quite handy to have around when technology is involved.

Glad it did not rain on your hay last night. Only people who cut hay can possibly understand the anxiety involved in getting the weather right. We made hay with my cousin most of my teen years. He leased quite a few acres for hay (alfalfa mostly) and did custom baling all through high school and college.

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