WA HOO FarmerChick


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
yea 2 bz
ian't it super hot outside...melting time. a pool is a good thing but the water is just getting to that 'hot bath water' feel and almost isn't 'refreshing'---don't get me wrong, I love it tho!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Man oh man I got a crappy day starting.

Tony wants to shop. :barnie

he wants to buy a swing/glider contraption to put 'somewhere'
oh man, I don't want one. heck we rarely sit outside, it is 1000 deg. out there :th

and he has no regard for price. buys whatever hits his fancy and drives me nuts.

then off to walmart 'for a few yard things he needs'---good gravy it will end up costing $300 I know it. UGH --his few things is every little yard crappola and gadget that never gets used and gets thrown cause it breaks. oh man......I hate hubby shopping day.

and of course he will be hungry....gotta stop for food...ugh

I don't want to eat, too hot out LOL

so it is 8 now, gotta get moving cause he wants to leave NOW and it will take forever...he moves so darn slow looking at every single item on a shelf...UGH

Plus I got things to do here.

well I will suffer thru.

no good coupons to match with my sales....few buy one get one like doritos and oh yea I am stocking up lol
other than that, I don't need a thing so grocery bill should be very low when I go shopping tomorrow. suncreen, $2 off and I have a $1 coupon also...so that should be a good price.

oh just rambling to kill time cause I don't want to go shopping!!!!

:hit off I go on a hubby adventure. at some point he gets mad cause at some point I say, don't buy that we don't need it or it is too expensive...happens every time LOL LOL


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 3, 2010
Reaction score
Zebulon, NC
FarmerChick said:
yea 2 bz
ian't it super hot outside...melting time. a pool is a good thing but the water is just getting to that 'hot bath water' feel and almost isn't 'refreshing'---don't get me wrong, I love it tho!!
Yeah, I told my BIL yesterday he has to drain some of the water out & add some more from the hose...amazing how warm the water got in a week! :p

Have fun shopping!! :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
i_am2bz said:
FarmerChick said:
yea 2 bz
ian't it super hot outside...melting time. a pool is a good thing but the water is just getting to that 'hot bath water' feel and almost isn't 'refreshing'---don't get me wrong, I love it tho!!
Yeah, I told my BIL yesterday he has to drain some of the water out & add some more from the hose...amazing how warm the water got in a week! :p

Have fun shopping!! :lol:
I hear ya...some days (very few) the water is absolutely perfect...then more days of 'freezing' water and more days of 'too darn hot' water--lol--am I ever satisfied, nope HA HA


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
TanksHill said:
Enjoy your shopping day!!!

OK you Gina gal...bite that tongue off...LOL

it was expensive and I had to take 2 Tylenol to get thru the day and lunch was--get this--hibachi japanese :tongue---my gosh heavy food for a 1000 deg. day. ugh---but hibachi chef was fun to watch cook over a hot grill haha

oh did I say expensive....ugh

well Nicole got some good clearance sale clothes for knocking around, I got a good pair of slip on shoes for the yard, Tony bought a BUNCH of stuff for himself...hmm...and yes, he got a swing set/glider contraption thing. he has to put it together now :plbb I sure ain't helping LOL

doing laundry now...bleck...waiting for critter to come home and then I have to swim with her in a bit. should be fun if I don't sink from being too tired :bun

Shopping with Tony is like 'special olympics' shopping ya know


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
"special olympics" shopping :gig

E is not like that at all! Except in the garden department of the stores - he wants to look at every fruit, vegetable, and tree.

rest of the store, or something i'm interested in looking at - nope. he'll glance over and keep walking and leave me standing there.

But try to do that to HIM while he's looking at his precious veggies, fruit or trees! :rolleyes:


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
oh yea I hear you Quail
Tony in like tractor supply store or such is a menace...stop and read and check out all the goodies..me I could care less anymore LOL
of course if it has a big motor in it he is really interested.

he rarely 'goes shopping' but when the mood hits, oh my gosh he can shop like a girl....lol--but only when that mood hits, which is like 2 times per year if that and since he shops so seldom when he goes he buys....ugh...I like smaller shop trips at lower cost, he goes 2 times a year and has a huge sticker shock bill..ugh again :p

ah, poo ya can't win


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score

didn't sleep well last night...went to bed around 1:30--got up at 6
so I am dragging with that real slow, duh, huh, kinda day.

Coupons today. My grocery still hasn't corrected my electronic coupons that deduct automatically....geez ya know. So they are 'working on it'--shall see if it ever happens for that store LOL

Spent $150
Paid: $71

saved: $79

Then I ran to my other store to hit some sales with coupons and it was

Spent $58
Paid $38
Saved $20

I bought produce, fruit and some other things I wanted at that store so all in all did well....total was $208 cost, spent only $109--could have done better but no triple coupons etc around.

AND oh yea I got tons for that cost...my cabinets/pantry are full for sure. Time to slow down and only get the best of the best deals right now....no use over buying

DARN darn septic backuped up on my about 1 hr ago. Yea...not alot of problem, just a little water in one bathtub and toilets were gurgling when the washer was emptying....so real fast called septic guy and he will be out here at 4 oclock to suck it out....only $189.....seems cheap cause last time I paid $225 I believe and that was like 4-5 years ago(?) --well I am ok with that price....any price to suck it clean and let me be free with water usage LOL and no backup...but UGH ya know

real hot today. that melting hot.

oh well.....off to hit the bed, turn on tv, relax until kiddo gets hoem in an hr....and then septic guy comes and life is good again LOL

everyone take care...it is always something right?


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
nice man came and sucked out the septic
:lol: best money ever spent :lol:

One more week of school :barnie
1/2 day on June 10 and done

oh how I love school and will miss it horribly.

today will be hectic chores but easy. finishing up all laundry so I will be laundry free for 2 days :ya then back to the grind

have to vacuum pool

clean both bathrooms

make a batch of soap (might skip today...sick of soap)

crack a beer at 9 am
YUP---this is a party day for me....a few beers and go out and vacuum the pool....then maybe a nap hahaha

nah, might head over to Barbs and lay at her pool and drink more beers. In a beer mood, not often, but baby when I am I can down a six pack and cruise thru the day lit like a christmas tree.......nah, only kidding on the beer stuff....but I want to do it but won't LOL

hmm...Tony is off work Monday...I think I will do all of the above at Barbs and we will knock down a few beers and swim and relax...yea I gotta plan my party pool day for sure.

well off to get some chores done,,,,very hot today,,,will be from now on which is good.

:plbb enjoy the day!

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