WA HOO FarmerChick


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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mowed a ton last night. 'that' big storm they said was coming moved a bit so we stayed dry. big lightening in other places but not over my house so that was good. I have tons more to mow. dry out is finally happening.

wrap soap labels and other soap stuff as usual

big laundry of towels I have been ignoring....now I gotta do it LOL

easy day...won't be too hard.

everyone have fun today! :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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line dried towels yesterday. put a ton of softner in the rinse cycle....they dried a TAD less stiff. hmm...not sure truly. I hate stiff so am on the fence with my towels again. hate using dryer, but dryer I think it will be HAHA---well, I just keep experimenting. Believe me I tried many many ways to make the towels soft off the line--and nothing makes me happy yet lol

off to Lowes. Need pine needles to put across front of house. Dad built me 3 box planters. Nice job. He does great work. Will put mums or some nice flowers in there. But need to spruce up the needles, looking thin. We were planning on totally ripping out the front of the house and doing a whole new look--but time says no...lol...next season....so this season I will spruce up and be happy with that. Not totally sure what kind of look I want just yet....so time to get that later, but right now some posies in my dads nice boxes will be fine. Will make the front look nicer.

cleaned out a good bit of Nicole's closet this morning...some off to goodwill some into the garbage. Want to get her closet in good order for her things. I used her closet for storing Xmas stuff etc but taking that all out and putting it in my soap room closet etc. She needs her personal space so I am getting it done for her.

October for me is all about sprucing up around her (cleaning up in general) and decluttering again. I love love minimum crappola around me....so this month is dedicated to donate it, recycle it or trash it! :) Ah, for some reason I feel so good when I get rid of things :lol:

Fall is in the air, but afternoons are hot as heck still LOL in the time of jacket in the morning, shorts in the afternoon haha

off to get things done so I can hit Lowes and get my needles and get cracking.

everyone enjoy this wonderful day! :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
You Lowes actually sells pine needles?? Are they green?

I should try to get some good will going as well. I have stuff in two of my kids closets. That's really bad. My 11 to always complains.

Looks like I have more on my list.

Planters with flowers. Ahhhh, that sounds nice. You should take a picture of the planters after you done.

Have a great day.



Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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waiting on Tony to hit the road :lol:

no these are the rusty red/brown color needles. will match my brick on the house pretty good. I was thinking mulch but for some reason those chunks of wood find their way onto the darn lawn and I shoot them out the other side with my mower haha

no girl, take things off the list!!!!! :p yea, like any of us can do that :rolleyes:

bag it up and take it to goodwill fast Gina....less stuff means an easier life in general lol
except for the big toys ;) ;) --the ones that provide fun!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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front of house is SOOOooooo nice now.

those needles refreshed the look, evened it all up.
the planters now have Olivia Orange and Plump Purple mums in them....wow there were huge for $5 each. monster size.

We moved my old plow to the far end of the house...looks better

I moved my 2 concrete decorations.

I swept the porch.

We bought those rings for around the 2 front trees and fluffed with needles around them.

WOW IT IS HOT out there LOL
darn 80 made me sweat

I tell ya, well worth the $140 to do the house. Refresher can be so cheap but make so much of a difference.

Now I am thinking a few pansies. Hmmm......

Ya know I used to do tons of flowers "BEFORE the real farm"---then I stopped cause I had no time.

WELL DARN IT--I love flowers and I will have them again! :) :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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smiling this morning cause front of house looks great. been meaning to do that for a while, finally got it done.

Tony off to foot dr. to be released from workers comp. he said he can do his job. foot sore, big black bruise on it but he said it is winding down now and feels alot better.

Putting sheets, blankets etc. out on the lines. nice day to freshen things up.

soap work as usual.

I got a friggin' mouse in the house. Working on 'puter and the bugger ran right by the darn door in the hall and straight into Nicole's closet. So will move things in closet but I do have 3 glue traps set out along the path. He will be mine very soon...lol...and into the trash he goes haha

Bought tons of mouse poison at Lowes yesterday. Tony to go under house and set up and kill them all. every time the weather turns a bit chilly they try to invade and I do my under the house thing. it works. So Tony will do that today and I know all future mouse invasion will be very controlled --ugh I despise them to the max.

Buying things to start painting my kitchen soon. Not sure exact start date but painting yellow. I want bright yellow in there. small wall space so it should be fine. more cabinets etc and the wall space is limited to bright should not blow out my eyes lol -I hope. Probably start Monday. Nicole in school and Tony at work. yea, that will do it. Then when done off to buy new drawer pulls and all that mess to freshen up the look.

well off to get things moving quicker. moving slower this morning for some reason...oh yea, I remember, it is called age! :) :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Nicole went to friends house at 11....so I worked hard while I had down time.

She is pooped now lol

Tony worked very hard today...he seems whooped SO I AM BAKING sugar cookies for him right now...will be out of the oven in a minute.

I baked again. WT?? Unreal for me :lol: but they both wanted something so it was easiest to whip together.

off to check oven....everyone have a good night! :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Dad made and painted me another planter. I needed one more to balance off the front so going to fill that with soil today and place it with a giant mum. So happy with my curb appeal now haha

easy day

off to walmart to get witch costume for Nicole. I have a darn witch hat and can't find the stupid thing UGH....I mean my home is clutter free.....so where is it? Not like it is buried or something lol--one more look and then if can't find, new one today :p

house was 65 this morning. seems chillier now. going to buy new slippers for Nicole. I want a nice morning sweater for me and her but I doubt I will find one today. No way am I putting on heat yet. Nicole said to turn on the fireplace and I said no....too warm still...lol

no heat, no ac now. power bill will be dramatically low....gonna drag it out long as I can.

Tony's foot on the mend but he said walking his line is taking a toll on the hurt.....eh, he will survive. I told him to get the fencing needed to finish this fence line. Darn dog needs the yard fenced so I can throw his butt outside and he doesn't run off. So will push for fencing materials on his next days off. I need this fence done NOW. Went a long time without it...ugh..I love my fences! :)

well off to shower and get moving. kiddo on bus and all is quiet....wa hoo


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Good morning.

I bet you threw the hat away. :lol:

Leave Tony be, he can't be out building a fence with a sore foot. :hide

Ahhhh, I love sweaters in the morning. Usually that's about all we need here. Well, unless its raining.

Well I hope you have a great Monday.



Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
fast walmart trip and did fab BUT forgot to check slippers darn it....ugh

had buy one get one free on my hairspray...got 6
had buy one get one free on my shampoo and conditioner...got 6
had buy one get one on Covergirl...got 8 makeup things

got a very cute witch costume...$15 and HAT included.

got some clothes for Nicole to try on and see if they fit. Got me 2 sweatpants for winter lazy in the house.

stupid slippers just left my mind, ugh but I know I will shop again HAHA

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