She has a major ear infection. Now i have the crud. I still got a lot done today. I transplanted 22 of my Russian tomatoes into larger pots. I also started 56 more of those and 72 Homestead tomatoes. I got her to the doctor, then the pharmacy, finished up some laundry and cleaned house a bit. Tomorrow I have to get my squash and cukes started and my peas and a few other things will be planted in the ground. I am NOT letting sick slow me down I have too much to do DD got a shot today, and nasal spray and antibiotics. She won't take the antibiotics, so if need be, I will. I went ahead and got them filled for that reason. So, unless DH comes down with it, I'll have that option at least. Otherwise I see a trip to the doctor in my near future. This other front is coming in now though and I feel like garbage See everyone later.
I was very pleasantly suprised this morning to NOT have a sore throat! Last night was horrible, but maybe it was just the weather. Seems like I may be getting over it, or it's gonna just pass or whatever. I think I had a fever last night though. I NEVER sweat, but woke with the back of my hair damp this morning. Maybe that's it Hope my body fought it off on it's own. I still feel a little draggy, but I'll take it!
I have work to do in the greenhouse this soon, guess it's realy not morning anymore. I slept late today and R took care of all the animals for me Anyway i have tons of things left to start out there. It's looking good, and I need to take pics to post on here for ya'll.
Chilli fell asleep on the back of my neck this morning while I was catching up on Facebook It was cute, she started out watching over my shoulder once she crawled up behind my back on my neck. Next thing I know, she's snoring in my ear
Anyway I suppose i better get started or I'll never get done with everything i want to get done today!!!
got the guineas locked upso if you wanna come tomorrow morning just let me know what time to expect you
they aparently have decided cold wet days mean stay close to home
Awesome! My rooster is on his way It's guaranteed to be here by 3 tomorrow afternoon, so I'll message you on Facebook before I leave....or is your phone still good for me to call you?
I got peppers and more tomatoes started today, and got to feeling overly tired, plus it started raining again :/ Stupid weather I was gonna plant peas and beets and more onions, but.....I didn't have time. I came in and snuggled up to a hot bowl of chicken noodle soup instead. I hope this goes away soon. I was feeling better, but the night air and temp drop is NOT doing me any favors right now.
Can't wait to get my birds tomorrow Hopefully I can get that done early before I get feeling dragged down again.
I am just barely thinking about starting tomatoes and peppers. It's going to be 4 degrees tonight and it snowed this morning then cleared so that means cold. Play in the dirt for me when your feeling better. Take care!