Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Yeah the Potato Headed comedian has his coming. He thought THAT was funny...just wait..


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Worked in the yard a bit today trying to get a few areas cleared for the garden season. Still have a ton of work to do, but I got a ton of time to do it. Tomorrow if it's not raining we're headed back to the market again. Maybe we'll do some good. If not, I'm not going back until it gets warmer, I can't afford to get sick. I'm the only one without insurance and basically ANY Dr. visit would be out of the question right now for me. I just hope we can make this stupid house payment and get these people off our back. If not, maybe we'll sell the cows. They've called 3 more times and been told the same thing over and over. :rant Other bills started coming in today. :/ I'm so sick of everything. Still no news on the job front, and I'm getting depressed. The weather and the situation is just getting old. I won't be online much the next few weeks. I'm tired of hearing about Christmas already :lol: May not be here afterwards, because when that bill comes, I'm going to have to call them and tell them to shut it off. If we can't find work, we have no choice but to start cutting corners as much as possible. I wish I could make more money online to make it worth it, but I'm getting tired of trying. Anyway, I hope everyone has a good Christmas and New Year!!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Um, Jamie, don't go around ruining our reputation with those slurs!!! And yes, it is undoubtedly YOUR turn. I have 5 days to think of the perfect gift and I fully intend on using every second of my time wisely ;)

Pinky, I know hun, and I appreciate it greatly!!

I'm just in that spot where it is just so hard to drag all the dead weight you just wanna give up and say screw it :/ The market was an absolute flop. We got chilled to the bone for a mere $20 if that. I'm so disgusted I haven't even bothered to really look.

Oh well. I already know we're going to have to play "catch up" with everything. I'm doing all I can do from here. Sending off more of his resumes all the time, and now looking for work myself as well. Something has to give, or us keeping this place was just not meant to be. Whichever...I never liked living here to begin with :p and the kids are practically grown. One is out, the other is teetering on the edge of taking off. She's ready NOW LOL! But, that's a teenager for ya! So, it's not like anything is truly holding us in this one particular spot. Even if we could afford it right this second, it's not where we want to be for the long haul. We can't buy any more land adjoining, can't get this stupid soil to grow everything we want to grow, and the house will be too much for just us two. In a few years, we'd sell anyway. It just ticks me off it is happening the way it is. It's frustrating, and degrading, and I've just about had enough. If this was a new situation...rather than the same sad stupid story over and over again...it'd be different. But it seems EVERY year for the last 4 or 5 years we have been sitting in this position come time for the holidays.

DD's grandpa is having a ton of health issues right now. He has a brain tumor. This is the biggest reason I am so upset over the whole stupid ordeal. She lost her other grandpa not long ago. That's the urgency for the tires on the truck, then I was going to start saving for the trip and surprise her and him for Christmas. I wanted her to be able to see him for Christmas if just for a day or two over break. But noooooooooooo!!! :rant :rant And she has been so okay with the minimal Christmases we've had...it's just...UGH!!!!! I hate it!! I wanted to do better this year.

Now we come home today and she's practically in tears after talking with him. Long story short, he appears to be doing things men do when they think they are dying, and she picked up on that too.... new sports car, crazy spending spree, yadda yadda....

Just pray.

And I am really NOT coming back on here. I don't want to screw up everyone elses holiday cheer because I have none to offer. I just had explain a bit and ask for prayers, mainly for the kids sake, but we all could use some.

Thanks, and I will see y'all next year!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I truly do NOT understand why bad things happen to good people. I hate that you're having to deal with this and I'm sure praying that something will change for you - and quickly.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks fem and Jamie :hugs House payment is paid :celebrate We won't have to fight the gooberment for unemployment this time. That is an unbelievable load off!!! My Christmas came a bit early with a little less worry WHEW! Tomorrow they would have charged us a $50 late fee. So that's the good news. Hopefully there will be more to come. I can't stay, am busy busy, working and figuring bills. BUT I HAD to post! Thanks for the prayers y'all! Please don't stop!!

We had more rotten news yesterday. DD's BF's parents are getting divorced. It changes a LOT for DD, and has put a ton of stress on her, not to mention his family life is insane at the moment, and they are in desperate need of prayers as well. Moreso than we are, truly. His mother is disabled, and so is one of his 4 younger sisters :( It's a real crapstorm for them. The man has left and refuses to help with bills right now, putting it all off on DD's 20 year old boyfriend to raise the family on a Walmart income :rant I just can't fathom why someone would do that to their children..

Anyway, don't forget I'm not posting :p :p I gotta get outta here!

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