Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I am SOOO over this January business :( I need sunshine and fishing and.....I am about to the point of tears. I am sick of the cold. I NEEEEEEEEEED some Spring!!! I'm tryin to hold out, but it's not being easy this year for some reason. Trying to be positive, the freezing will kill off the bugs, which will make gardening easier...which will be good for the finances and good for my taste buds, and good in general...but wow...I just need a break. Truly this is not helping to stave off depression right now.

Smoking is going good...not quitting that is. UGH, it's so frakin hard when you're dealing with cabin fever. NOT smoking just makes me hungry, and then I cook, which is NOT helping the waistline these days. So, I'm back up on my numbers where i DON'T want to be. Again. And, there are only so many seeds can be started in January people!!

I need a winter hobby really badly!!

In other news, the kid FINALLY got her permit Friday!!!! YES! She FINALLY studied, FINALLY found out the DMV schedule, and FINALLY got off her tail and went for it :D

We had a big ole ruckus going on Wednesday...the whole lot of us got in a big argument over her grades and her attitude. She wants us to quit treating her like a baby. Uh huh...so I did, and now.....she wants me to do stuff for her again. I TRIED to treat her more grown up, by leaving the permit thing up to her, and leaving her fussing with her teacher over a grade.. up to her. I actually did wind up going to talk to her teacher...the teacher was right, DD and DH signed a contract that she couldn't miss 2 rehearsals...that happened to be going on when we had no income and couldn't afford to take her bc the fuel was over budget(it really was quite a lot). She told me last minute, literally the morning of..so she got shot down. I didn't know it was going to affect her grade as much as it did, "I" didn't sign the contract. Didn't SEE the contract. So it's MY fault she has a "B" and is grounded for a week for it....YES we do that, YES it is reasonable if you know how smart my kid is!!! Since elementary she has gotten a week per "B" bc she is PERFECTLY capable of all "A's" without even trying really...it kills me how smart she is, but utterly lazy and LOVES to "slide by" so...we kind of HAD to do something to keep her to keep the grades up. Anyway. Still, my fault. I also got the blame for her not having already gotten her permit. I get the blame for everything. I'm STILL upset she hasn't told her grandmother WHY EXACTLY she did not go on their annual trip out West with them this past year. THAT got throw up in my face at Christmas over there...that she "was grounded" which in reality, she was NOT, she LIED to her grandma *smh* She just didn't want to go bc her BIL grates on her nerves so badly. Every time she gets in trouble and gets grounded, it's MY fault somehow. So her not going equates to my fault too. And so that came up again, and some days.....I just wish she was 18 and already in college :p At what point is personal responsibility going to come into play I wonder? I'm so tired of being a mom....all the excuses, all the maniacal teenage tirades, all the DRAMA. I'm getting tired of being her fall guy/door mat :( and everyone elses for that matter.

So, that has pretty much been how a lot of my week has gone. It was atrocious. I'm looking forward to February now, January is leaving a bad taste in my mouth already :p

I really hate even typing all that negativity out, but it HAS to just STOP rolling around in my head! I hope you know all of you people are the worst paid therapists in the history of the world :p

I feel better now :D

The sun will come up tomorrow... :lol:


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I do know how you feel. The weather part, not the mom part lol :p well, I can at least sympathise with that! I was like that, to a point, and yeah, it takes some really hard knocks to learn, but she's smart, so she will.
I can't wait for warmer weather again either. I'm really sick of the cold. It can't get here fast enough! And this week We go back down to really cold again and get snow tomorrow again.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Girlfriend - you need a vacation! Probably only 'bout 12 hours to my house - load up and come on down! I've got a spare bedroom, critters so you won't feel lonely and if you're lucky - we'll even have some sunshine! And BONUS - no teenagers! :celebrate


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I was sold at the 'no teenagers" part LOL! I wish I could, you know we'd be completely crazy together :D

I did get some sunshine today. 64 degrees after errands were run. We grilled a TON of food! Chicken, chops, burgers, hot dogs, and I made slaw, salad, baked beans, barbecue sauce and fresh buns....it was soooooo good! And...tomorrow, when it's a high of 27 :'( I will have the taste of summer at least.

I even got 3 quail eggs today! God musta known how bad I needed that :)

I think I'm ready for the return of the frost devil.....or maybe not...the thought of it makes me cringe, but...Spring is at least closer, right?


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
come on everyone, still two months before Spring arrives...

Want me to post more pictures?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Jamie, usually around here this is the last month of real winter weather. By February we at least have some warmer days full of sunshine....this is just never ending!!!

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