Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Mine is, but it's because of my food allergy. I can't take the cheap estrogen because it's derived from soybeans phytoestrogens. The Premarin is made from pregnant mare urine. Yum! But I haven't had a UTI in almost 2 months now, where I was having them literally back to back and the only thing that would get rid of one was Levaquin which is horrible for your joints and was making me have hip and knee pain constantly and general malaise. I hated being on that crap!! Would get off of it for two to three days and BAM I'd test positive for UTI again and have to go back to the doctor. So, on a hunch, I had her write me a year of estrogen because I knew mine has been low for 6 years, and I know estrogen assists the immune system in fighting infection, and the first week after starting I ended my last script of Levaquin and held my breath....week later did the home test, no UTI...another week later...same. It costs me $180 a month, but that's still cheaper than $236 plus meds it was costing me every month to battle UTI's, and that's BESIDES the $4000 hospital bill I had right before Christmas 2016 on account of a terrible UTI where I needed IV antibiotics and fluids. And yes, I tried EVERYTHING to prevent UTI, from cranberry juice plus AZO goldenseal and about a half dozen other herbs I don't even recall to straight water constantly and everything in between with no relief whatsoever. Still wish I could take the $4 a month med, but I'm glad I am getting some relief either way!!! So hormone replacement can be a GOOD thing when necessary.

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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Wow, I have never heard of anything like that and know nothing really about HRT. Makes a lot of sense... I'm going to go do some research here....

How awful, I had no idea a UTI could be that horrivle was(never had one).


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Yeah I researched for a year before I figured out I just needed to do the estrogen supplement and call it a day. Definitely do some research. And yes, UTI can be ridiculously horrible, even deadly if the infection gets into your bloodstream like it did my brother earlier this year. He was hospitalized for several days and put on strong antibiotics and fluids too.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 26, 2016
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Man alive you sure have been through the crapper! I had a UTI the entire time I was pregnant each time otherwise I'm not bothered much by them. Sorry to hear about your financial troubles. I've lost so much through divorce but it was better than staying. I've only been a member recently but isn't it funny how quick you make online friends. So easy to find people with similar interest.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Yeah we all walk similar paths, funny how we all tend to think we are so much different but we really aren't. Basic adult needs are physical necessities and respect. Pretty simple when you think about it. My divorce wasn't "profitable " nor should one be. A person should exit with what they came with and the equivalent of what they put into the marriage, not everything they want just to make the other person suffer. I actually didn't want the house, but he thought that would make things harder for me so he dumped it on me out of spite. I just took his lemons and made lemonade...he should have known I would having known me for 14 years and knowing I'm a very creative person with finance and too damn stubborn to ever quit till I reach my goals...even with a 50k dollar set back thrown in for good measure. I have unintentionally given him the proverbial one finger salute on this one. All my bills are taken care of, with minimal assistance from anyone, none at all until just recently, so....I'm always financially stable for the most part, and a huge proponent of living below your means...a concept he could never really grasp. My biggest hurdle has been my health, and now that's under control as well, so I'm back on track and my projections is the house will be paid off in 4 years worst case scenario, and best case scenario, I inherit several thousand dollars next week and hit easy street for a few years and stack back my nest egg again lol! Simple.

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