Man I feel like a million bucks this morning!! Ain't nothing like a 10 hour miserable migraine to make you appreciate life and lack of agony it's gonna be a mahvelous day dahling just mahvelous!!! PLUS it's HUMP day baby! We is halfway there!!!!! Workin for the weekend I hope everyone has da bestest day EVAHHhHh!!!
Told ya. I sold one of those darn mixers today my pockets got fatter!!! Anyway, it's spoken for, but whatever, I get to hold it for a minute, and sniff it y'all know y'all do too sometimes My green paper doesn't last long enough for me to get too used to of these days Lucy...
Me too! Well today....has been good so far. I hope to get tomatoes staked and strung today and may work on the grape and blackberry vines and see if I can detangle some of them and retrain the grapes to their side instead of being all over the place. I'd also like to get all the vetch yanked out of there and the Johnson grass pulled from the flower bed. Aaaanndd...the last load of laundry folded and put away. I did one load and dusted before work. And cleaned the kitchen. I need to clean the garage....but I'm losing focus lately...busy busy busy and seem some days to make no headway lol ain't that just ducky?! I have so many loose ends to tie up. I'm going to have to find a few minutes to sit, list, prioritize, and schedule. I neeeed to have a yard sale of epic proportions and just give stuff away. LOTS of stuff still. I have a buyer interested in a lot of my farm and garden items I have stored and they're bulky so I will be happy to make a deal on the entire lot of extra items just to get it all out of the way. Bleh...I feel like garbage today too, so maybe it is a sit and list after work day, only 3 more hours till the end of the work day. Tomorrow's schedule is a nightmare. The only thing good about my Fridays is the fact that Saturday is coming and it's not a work day. Maybe I can get some things done this weekend.
I wish I could work entirely from "home" but seeing as I do not currently have a stable home life that's impossible, so I work a regular job, part time, do my own thing on the side, and wait....certain situations in my life are really complicated right now, so I'm working for everyone else actually, but I'm also building relationships, halfway repairing some relationships..halfway because I don't want to go all the way on that one....and utilizing my time to think and research so that when my situation changes I already know what to do with the money I'll come into to build my future for myself with retirement goals in mind. And I have to be extremely careful with my choices because it's not exactly a windfall, more like a financial foundation to make smart investments so my money works for me rather than me working for my money, if that makes sense. I have to figure out how to beat inflation consistently and create enough interest income to reach a maintenance level, and it's not going to be any kind of "easy" but I have figured out how to diversify to make my investments as a whole a "safer bet" so....I'm just waiting basically...and I promise this is the most patient I have ever been in my entire life because I am far from a patient person. Type A personality doesn't leave a whole lot of room for that quality. And I can't dwell on it too much or it gets under my skin and I start getting ancy and trying to jump ship on my own plans. It's a good thing I have a decent IQ or I'd be in a nuthouse right now. I'm so stressed out though lol I can't help but over analyze! And ramble....