Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
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Nothing like making a woman mad to put a little air under her wings! Dream and fly Wannabe. You've got those goals for a reason.

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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Wow ... Sorry to hear all of that. I've had two bosses like that. Neither of which I had to spend TOO much time with, so it was bearable. Both paid well enough and I needed both jobs. But I never understand a boss that seems to need to verbally kick folks like some people go home in a bad mood and kick their dogs.

Since those jobs were 19 and 26 years in my past and I can still recall the verbal abuse so vividly -- well, I kinda think you made the right decision to leave.

I'm sure things will work out just as they should. The idea of teaching a SS class sounds pretty interesting. :)


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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:hugs I have had my share of those kinds of bosses. I am tickled with staying home and running our little farm. No stress involved with that.
We need to see a list of all your talents and skills :)
We'll help you form something!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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A few weeks ago, I went to a lecture w/RU. (She needed a driver) This was on trying to improve your horse business, but it would apply to anything you wanted to do. The person giving the lecture also talked a little about her own farm, and being creative in what she did. She holds a clinic on teaching people how to plant garlic. She charges people money to come to learn all about garlic, and the one thing the people do is plant it. So, she makes money to have people come and plant her garlic.

Some things you could charge people for:

1. Learning how to make and plant raised beds.

2. Learning how to make lasagna layers.

3. Learning how to put food up.

4. Learning how to process chickens.

5. Learning how to care for chickens.

6. Learning how to care for goats, including how to milk them.

7. Learning how to make soap.

The list could go on and on depending on what you have, and what all you could teach. But, this may give you or someone else on here some ideas for a way to make money.

Another thing you could do, depending on where you're located, have small groups of children come and spend a few hours on the farm. I'm thinking of suggesting this to RU, especially if we get the goats I'm looking for. The kids would each get a pony ride or 2, get to see the chickens, pet the emu, and try to milk a goat. Then, they'd have time for lunch and some games, then go home, hopefully dirty but happy.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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Wow, what a jerk!!! I had one of those and I quit there, too. She was so bad I had customers call corporate on my behalf about her *laughs*

You should definitely teach classes on stuff. Lots of smart people here can help you get set up on it. I never get anywhere with my ideas to self employ. Hah! I need a business manager who does all the work and just stands me in front of classes at the scheduled times and then I'll do the easy part.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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:th oh, man, sorry to hear this latest turn of events. You were so excited about the job.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
I am also sorry about the way things turned out....maybe the fact that you walked out will get their attention. One can only hope.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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savingdogs said:
I'm sorry you got treated that way. That employer probably has a long history and if the walls could talk......

Do you feel better having gotten it off of your chest?

Maybe you should try to cash in on the popularity of all this self sufficient trend and teach a class in something? Maybe something that the class helps you sell as well? Just a thought.
That employer does have a long history of that type of behavior...but that doesn't matter.

No I don't really feel any better lol! I want a JOB with a REASONABLE boss.....but I know that aint gonna happen any time soon. SO I need to work here and be my own boss.

I thought about the SS classes and such. Most folks around here already garden and raise some stock. The market would be small for most classes.

I do have my foot in the door on a couple of things, and I aint moving my foot. I have several yardwork jobs, and a few baking items gigs. I may go with both. Do yard work and then do baking on the side. I need to get some business cards made and some flyers printed and maybe a tax I.D. number real soon once it picks up, and it WILL pick up, because I'm about to push it just as hard as I can for it to pick up and take off. Just me and hubs can make this work, then bring DD14 in when it takes off a bit so she can make some spending money as well.

Fortunately I have experience making seasonal work last all year as far as the cash flow. All but 2-3 months there is something to be done in the yard/garden market around here. I can make the money stretch for those few months and will still have the baking gig during the holiday seasons when the other slows down.

I was up about 3 hours last night, laying in bed, staring into the darkness, thinking about all this and how to pull it off :lol: If that business dries up....I'll figure something else out. I will still have produce to sell this summer too, so I can afford to start out slow.

I just want OUT of the stupid system of working for others. You NEVER know what kind of jerk you have to deal with every day when you hire on. I know running my own thing isn't going to be much better as far as running into picky, nasty, people, but I can AFFORD to walk away from a couple of those! I won't be stuck having to deal with it EVERY time.

I'm a hard worker, and can work circles around most folks any day of the week. I am willing to do things a lot of other people snub their noses at..like getting DIRTY...EEEK! :rolleyes: There is NO reason I can't have my own business and make it successful. I'm all in from here on out. Nothing shy of an act of God is going to stop me.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Thanks ya'll for all the encouragement :hugs I'm just very very peeved with the situation right now. I'll be fine. I'm too darn stubborn not to be. :hu

Jamie, I did thoroughly enjoy the job...just had to work with the jerk every day, and had enough. 7 days on the job, and I had enough for two lifetimes of his temper tantrums. I honestly don't know how his wife stands him. She told me he was a jerk...guess she was serious and apparently put it very mildly :hu

ff you're darn right sister!

shiloh...I'm still so mad I could slap him :lol: Good thing I don't have to be around him anymore. I know my limitations on that.

BB that is why I love my farmlette :D

Deb, thank you for the suggestions. I will have to think on those and see what I can incorporate into my plan if others don't turn out as I think they will.

Abi!!!!! I'll manage you :frow :lol:

Dace..I highly doubt it. Those folks tolerate him which equals encourage him..to be such a jerk. Those who have support for their idiocy, do not change. He's the owner, and the flock bows down :rolleyes: I feel sorry for the guy who was working my place. He's unemployed and won't take the job full time because of the boss. His wife works there, and so he helps on temporary basis in between regular workers...which actually is pretty often :/ Poor guy. :hu I learned a lot about the job and why nobody stays in the 6 days I was there. :th


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I left my last job not only sick, but angry that I had been treated the way I had. Without a new "job" to plunge into, I had to work to put it mentally behind me harder than before. I think your choice of setting your mind to working for yourself is a good one and also the idea of having more than one thing going is an excellent choice as well. Diversify!

You sound like me, willing to work hard but not willing to put up with JERKS. Some people are the opposite, they put up with anything to not have to lift a finger too often.

When you find yourself getting worked up thinking about how crappy it was, keep reminding yourself that you never have to go there again, you never have to talk to him again and even if the next venture doesn't work out, nothing ventured, nothing gained. You could always go back to work for jerks, right?

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