Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I give up, I am SOOOOO NOT getting all this crapola done today. DD can do her own dang room when she gets home OR ELSE! I still need to clean the bator and set out my plants(this afternoon) I need a shower after doing the corn :th It's SO HOT OUT THERE :barnie 96 degrees and high humidity sucks...I'm melting. I think I should go chug a gallon of water. I feel :sick


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Wannabefree said:
I give up, I am SOOOOO NOT getting all this crapola done today. DD can do her own dang room when she gets home OR ELSE! I still need to clean the bator and set out my plants(this afternoon) I need a shower after doing the corn :th It's SO HOT OUT THERE :barnie 96 degrees and high humidity sucks...I'm melting. I think I should go chug a gallon of water. I feel :sick
Just a word about heat and heat injury cause you sound like you are DEFINITELY THERE!!!

The conventional teaching about heat injury is that the first sign of heat injury is cramps. This is *(IMPO) not exactly correct.
Heat cramps are a late sign of heat injury. In MY professional opinion (and I have years of experience dealing with heat injury at all levels of severity) the FIRST sign of heat injury is LASSITUDE.
What does that mean? It means you lay on the couch and are feeling too lazy "to get up and do what needs to be done". So any day you are feeling too lazy to work, you are dehydrated and need fluids. Keep a bottle or a bunch of bottles of PEDIALYTE handy. They have flavors and unflavored so you can't taste it. This stuff works REALLY good at getting you "back to work".

We who work on a farm can NOT afford the luxury of sitting around doing nothing because we are feeling too lazy to move. This in a person who is accustomed to working hard all day is a sign of heat injury (dehydration) and needs to be attended to, IMMEDIATELY.

For every pint of gatorade, drink one quart of water. For every 8 ounces of pedialyte, drink one quart of water. You'll feel better and get stuff done. (and maybe prevent a kidney stone too!)

The conventional wisdom about thirst is however pretty good.
By the time you feel thirsty, you are WAY BEHIND in your fluid intake. While most folks don't really like drinking THAT much water (for taste or whatever reason) the truth is if you feel thirsty for ONE volume, you should at least drink TWICE that volume. So if you drink one glass of water and feel OK, you should actually drink at least 2 of them. If you can work all day outside and never have to stop to "lose water" then you are WAY BEHIND on your water intake. What comes out should be the same color that goes IN...i.e. colorless.

The other (and very important) fact is that you are better off drinking room temperature fluids, NOT ICED. Ice is really not good for you. (We use it in the Emergency room to stop bleeding in the stomach, so why would you want to do that?)
The issue is that iced drinks give you that "ice-cream headache" which will cause you to stop drinking before you have replaced your required volume. Unless you have congestive heart failure, you can drink a whole quart in a rather short period of time and not worry...in fact you'll feel better. Remember, room temperature on most occasions is about 72 F. Your body is 98.6 F which is almost a 27 degree disparity. Your body wants VOLUME, NOT Temperature. It will regulate the temperature much easier with adequate volume. TEACHING POINT: SKIP THE ICE AND DRINK THE WATER.

Just in case this information is useful, Thank my Uncle Sam for giving me the experience in military medicine where this is a BIG DEAL and I had to learn it in real quick in Viet Nam in 1969. Since then it has been a very important part of helping folks in this world.

The blessings of G*d who gives us clean water is NOT to be dismissed as anything other than miraculous. Treat it with respect. Folks in other parts of the world would "kill you "(quite literally) to get any water, much less CLEAN water!

Remember, if you "PRAY" for something a thousand times and think you didn't get an answer, then you really DID get an answer. You just didn't listen.

Best to all.
Trim sends


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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You are CRAZY icu4dzs! I'm drinking water btw, and have been guzzling water for 2 days. I'm just really TIRED and maybe a little cranky :p I got close to dehydrated yesterday and have been drinking water all day. I dislike water...always have hated to drink water, but I have probably drank enough to drown a moose the last couple days :rolleyes: I hate this heat, it needs to RAIN!


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Wannabefree said:
You are CRAZY icu4dzs! I'm drinking water btw, and have been guzzling water for 2 days. I'm just really TIRED and maybe a little cranky :p I got close to dehydrated yesterday and have been drinking water all day. I dislike water...always have hated to drink water, but I have probably drank enough to drown a moose the last couple days :rolleyes: I hate this heat, it needs to RAIN!
Well, i guess I brought out the "cranky" part a bit, huh? :hide

In the immortal words of W. C. Fields, "I never drink water if there is good whiskey around, cause water'll rust your pipes" :lol:


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Icu4dzs said:
Wannabefree said:
You are CRAZY icu4dzs! I'm drinking water btw, and have been guzzling water for 2 days. I'm just really TIRED and maybe a little cranky :p I got close to dehydrated yesterday and have been drinking water all day. I dislike water...always have hated to drink water, but I have probably drank enough to drown a moose the last couple days :rolleyes: I hate this heat, it needs to RAIN!
Well, i guess I brought out the "cranky" part a bit, huh? :hide

In the immortal words of W. C. Fields, "I never drink water if there is good whiskey around, cause water'll rust your pipes" :lol:
No my friend I am actually pre cranky today :lol:

I personally don't like water or whiskey ;) I prefer "swaytay" :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
Reaction score
Wannabefree said:
Icu4dzs said:
Wannabefree said:
You are CRAZY icu4dzs! I'm drinking water btw, and have been guzzling water for 2 days. I'm just really TIRED and maybe a little cranky :p I got close to dehydrated yesterday and have been drinking water all day. I dislike water...always have hated to drink water, but I have probably drank enough to drown a moose the last couple days :rolleyes: I hate this heat, it needs to RAIN!
Well, i guess I brought out the "cranky" part a bit, huh? :hide

In the immortal words of W. C. Fields, "I never drink water if there is good whiskey around, cause water'll rust your pipes" :lol:
No my friend I am actually pre cranky today :lol:

I personally don't like water or whiskey ;) I prefer "swaytay" :lol:
"Pre-Cranky"? Hmmm, well, I guess hubs better find a place to hide for a while just in case he says something smart, huh?

Well, if it is any consolation, you can have ALL our rain. It rained again last night. This is the only place I have ever been where the farmers "curse" the rain. We are soaked and it's gettin' worse.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Hubs say something wrong? Never... :lol: Actually I wish he was home. he is on his way and NO WORK TOMORROW! :woot I'm yanking him out this house and we're going to the movies before DD gets home and we have to take her along. :weee

We went from too much rain, to nothing. I really wish it would. I could smell the paper mill at the house today, so it should be about to rain. EVERY time you can smell that stanky mill it means rain is coming. I'm waiting.......IMpatiently :lol:


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Wannabefree said:
Hubs say something wrong? Never... :lol: Actually I wish he was home. he is on his way and NO WORK TOMORROW! :woot I'm yanking him out this house and we're going to the movies before DD gets home and we have to take her along. :weee

We went from too much rain, to nothing. I really wish it would. I could smell the paper mill at the house today, so it should be about to rain. EVERY time you can smell that stanky mill it means rain is coming. I'm waiting.......IMpatiently :lol:
I think there was a thread not too long ago about how you could recycle that water (after you're done with it) to water the corn...... :p

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