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Little Miss Sunshine
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*boing boing boing* <-----bouncing back in for a second
Wahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Had a GREAT vacation so far. I miss talking to you all but WOW!!! I'm having such a wonderful day it should be illegal
So...in the past couple days I have sold 16 chickens. I got 6 cases of food from the church and took it out and served 12 families with fresh produce for the week and I gotta say WHAT A BLESSING it is to SERVE! Goodness knows I could use some more days like today in the future...so....still not sure where I am headed, but I am enjoying the ride. DH and I did bible study together tonight for the first time in forever, and it was AMAZING...then 3 hours later
yeah THREE hours, we are sitting here and it crosses my mind...hmmm...wonder what everybody is doing on SS
So I decided to drop in and update my journal, and find that all of you sweet sweet people have left me little messages, and my heart just swells with love for everybody all over again. You guys SERIOUSLY made me tear up!!! I am finding my peace, stress is down, and I am quietly looking for what God is trying to show me. I keep trying to just do do do and don't do enough plain old listening, so I am practicing that now
Anyway, DD and I got an opportunity to serve yesterday as well, which was sweeeeeeeet. Just a group of guys with a flat tire, no jack, no 4 way, no SPARE
but we got to haul them around and get them situated and just spread some love. It's a good feeling. Then we went to church and the guy who runs the shelter had gotten a truckload of fresh produce, with nowhere to refrigerate it, and told church members to come get a case of tomatoes for our families, OR to give to those in need. So I went to pick up a case of tomatoes as he had said, and I mentioned we were giving them out to some needy families and a couple friends because we have a garden full we have been sharing anyway...so he pulls me into a back room and says hmm...I have 3 cases of spinach and several cases of pears you could take too if ya want. I got the spinach and a case of pears and wound up with 2 cases of tomatoes as well
We chose to give most to those in need that we were aware of, and MAN it was FUN to go passing out food to some neighbors and elderly family that can't grow a garden anymore! As I said, 12 families benefitted, of those 7 were very low income families, others were just on our heart to visit, and every single place was just wonderful. I got a BUNCH OF HUGS
Made my week
I love love love to GIVE...makes me wish I had more to give, I'd give it all away
Which brings me to being SS and stockpiling..I think I really want to give more away. I want to grow more, raise more, work more, to give it away to those less fortunate and able. SOOOOO I am planning a bigger Fall garden now, and getting my butt in gear on the greenhouse project that has been on hold for WAYYYYYY too long already, and I'm going to give more. That's step one...dunno where my other foot will land, but I definately am feeling more and more purpose about our gardens and production here and getting a clearer idea of how to allow others into my life to benefit from our efforts.
So that was my last couple of days, hope everyone here is good!