Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
Reaction score
:frow :bun It sounds like He has been working wonders in your life. I'm SOOO happy for you!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Hiya alls you peeps :frow Just dropping in again for a few minutes to say Hi!! Things are going well here. I got rid of 9 roos today and we ripped the old ugly dishwasher out and I will take it to the recycling place in the next few days. That's about it today. I spent 5 hours at church yesterday helping with VBS decorating and am supposed to go back Wed. Thurs. and Friday of this week to help as well if I can round up some change for gas money :p Tomorrow we are getting rid of the buck goat, he's going back home because he's stankin up the place :lol: So our animals are down to just the skeleton crew to feed through winter and the rest of this summer. Garden wise the tomatoes are gone almost, as are the beans and squash in the garden. We are FULL UP on okra right now, and the TABASCO'S are getting peppers FINALLY :woot The Cayennes are HOT now too :D DH is thrilled! The corn is growing and I haven't gotten around to planting some other things just yet, but I will...someday...soon...maybe :lol: I'm just having a great vacation at the moment. Regrouping is going as hoped and things are settling down again, not necessarily monetarily, but otherwise. DH has two decent leads on work and resumes have been sent, but his other job seems to have just petered out. He has done a few tiny odd jobs, ya know, the ones that barely pay fuel costs, lol, but anyway...he's home today and expect he'll be home the rest of this week as well. Either way, it matters not. We have family that is helping right now, who we have helped in the past as well. THANK GOD we live close to family and have such a HUGE one!! MIL is buying DD school clothes this week, and may help out with school supplies if we can't work something out. At least she won't be naked, eh? :gig So now that ya'll know all my bizness :p I'm getting back out of here and going to find something semi productive to do with my afternoon. Appreciate all the prayers and well wishes...keep em comin...I think I see some light up head :D :hugs


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
well i went back to court today over the ticket from about 3 months ago. Last time I had opted for the hearing, hoping i could get out of it because they would pull my liscence otherwise. well... here's the rundown.

Judge: How are you today?
Me: Been better.
Judge: (looking to officer beside him) where is Officer X that wrote this ticket?
Officer: On vacation.
Judge: Well congratulations, you have just been found not guilty due to lack of evidence.
Me: Uhhhhhhh....
Judge: You're free to go.
Me: Uhhhhhhh.... THANKS BYE! :lol:

I wanted to hug him, but I restrained myself.... until I got outside the courtroom where I danced most of the way to the car and giggled, and THANKED GOD that I got out of it. I just KNEW i was in for it when i went in. who argues with a cop and gets off?! VERY FEW. So I was prepared, with a fine argument for my case mind you, and I never even had to pull out the note cards :D :D :D PRAISE GOD FOR OTHER PEOPLE'S VACATIONS :woot

That is all. ;)