Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Thanks Becca! You're a sweetie! :hugs

OMGoodness I had FUN at the conference!!! So I got to see Sarah Palin, and I am happy to say I am ONE of 7000 who got one of the 110 signed copies of her book :D :cool: I had to run for it literally, but I got it :lol: I had to make a mad dash to get my money and back out to the lobby to get into a quickly growing line of folks after MY book!! :lol: I got one of the last 20 they had! It was so CLOSE but WHEW, I beat the odds! Mwahahaaaaaaaa!

Other than that, my friends, the backseat drivers, got me lost in Tupelo and made me drive in a hugondous circle around the arena before we got on the right road to the hotel :smack we laughed the whole way though, because they're all insane, and there were no husbands or children to be seen, so we got to act stupid without the eyeroll treatment :p All you ladies know what I mean ;) Then i had to ROOM with those people, and I made them get up at 5 a.m. to get back to the conference center to get better seats so we could see Sarah Palin better. SOOOOOO many artists/speakers/etc. it''l take me the rest of this week to let it all sink in and remember everybody!

Here's a few we got to see though:
Michael O'Brien
Sarah Palin
Adam Cappa
and I can not believe I forgot the guys name that he opened for but i did :rolleyes:

anyway...several authors and artists we got to meet and see, and it was great. The worship songs were amazing when Michael O'Brien would quit singing and just play the music while 7000 women sang the lyrics...it was beautiful! now, don't get me wrong, he was a terrific talent, but the unity of 7000 strangers all worshipping together, was just soothing, and peaceful. It seemed like we were all just a big group of sisters rather than strangers :)



Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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broke down and went to the Dr, yesterday. i was correct...sinus infection. i'm on antibiotics. at least i got my physical out of the way for the chikdren's services requirement for foster parents, and the total for meds and everything was just 60 bucks. i love my nurse practitioner!!! she was very supportive of the prospect of us fostering too. she gets a lot of children in there who are en route to foster or are already in the system. i hope if we get these kids they'll be able to go to her, though they are technically out of state. she's great, and she actually LISTENS....imagine that :lol:

i was SUPER busy yesterday. i left the house at 7ish and didn't get home until almost 4. errands errands errands! i may require another mini vacation before this is over lol! today i am being lazy and am sooooooo sleepy. i hate antibiotics. i hate medicine. it always makes me want to sleep for days, so i am getting nothing done today. :/ i didn't finish everything yesterday, but it is just gonna have to wait, and THAT drives me nutters. i just don't wanna be sick for class thursday though, so i'm skipping out on unnecessary errands for a day or so.

i am soooo hoping the closer it gets that we get these kids. i dunno why...it's going to increase my workload immensely and they'll probably drive me crazy like DD does :lol: i just want them here, can't splain it, it just feels right? i'm still unsure that they'll be coming though. childrens services are pretty particular, and while we have nothing to hide, or have ever been in trouble, we're not exactly conventional in many many ways. i really don't care that our floor is actually subflooring right now and am in no rush to correct it if i don't have to. then there is the animals that we're trying to go all organic with, no shots etc. and whether that would/could be an issue. then there is DD's snake :lol: will THAT be an issue? i dunno, just lots of questions still. some of us(DD) aren't exactly willing to change anything and/or looking forward to sharing our space. i know that's selfish, but i feel like we are imposing on her childhood to a degree too. part of me wants to tell her suck it up and get over it and think of others and the other part of me remembers the torture of living with a sibling in the same bedroom till i was 16 and i know it sucks sometimes. the financial aspect is scary too. i did find out the kids will get help, and something along the lines of a per diem for their care, but still....i guess there are still just a load of questions. i continue to fall back on God's will be done, but those things are in the back of my mind no less. i dislike uncertainty, always have. i can be a bit of a control freak at times, especially when driving through a fog, i want control of the wheel! but.......i don't have it, not even close on this one :lol: i can't keep these kids and this situation from consuming my thoughts, even my conversations, i just can't get them out of my head. i suppose that's a good thing, but at times it is making me question my own stability :p some folks are telling me i am asking for trouble...FAMILY is telling me that, and then there is the doubts that i can handle this long term. i doubted when i married hubs too though, and still do doubt my parenting abilities sometimes, but DD isn't dead, i've managed to not kill or maim her so far, and i do believe her life is 10 times better for having me around. no, that isn't ego, its just that i particularly care enough about my brat to make her mind and see to it she has everything she needs and some of what she wants. her daddy would have never had time to do all that by himself, nor would i, or anyone else for that matter. it takes 2 or more to raise a child. though my stint with them alone while DH was out of town wasn't completely alone, the daily support was not there, and i reeeeeeeeally feel badly for single parents who don't even have the hope of a break on the weekends! gosh, am i rambling? that's SO unlike me :rolleyes: i'm gonna take a nap, then get some bread made, check for eggs, toss in some laundry, and write the kids another letter. slow day here, nothin to see :lol:

hope everyone has a beautiful blessed day! :hugs


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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So yesterday was a flat tire kinda day. TODAY, I have a LOAD of things to take care of! I need to get all the medical paperwork to the various Dr. offices and get them to fill those out, then I need to get all of the paperwork over to the DCS in Savannah. Then tonight, we have class again an hour away. So I need to get squared away where DD will be staying while we're gone, and get some laundry and house cleaning done. I should probably send off the house payment too before I forget again :rolleyes: So LOTS to do!

Hope everyone has a great day!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I hope your feeling better. You sound busy.

I must say as a parent myself I am always questioning my tactics. But I think the kids are turning out well. :p. Can I ask, I must have missed it before, are you related to these kids??

Either way they will be lucky to have you.



Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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TanksHill said:
I hope your feeling better. You sound busy.

I must say as a parent myself I am always questioning my tactics. But I think the kids are turning out well. :p. Can I ask, I must have missed it before, are you related to these kids??

Either way they will be lucky to have you.

Yes I am feeling alot better, thanks for asking :hugs I am SO busy too lol!

I always question my tactics as well...but I think I still have a bit of a hangup of the step parenting issues we have gone through. I try to watch that and NOT overthink things, and keep the willingness to admit my mistakes. I think the kids are turning out fine considering the frequency that their mom is a basketcase :lol:

Yes, these three kiddos are my second cousins. :) Their mother and me are first cousins, but unlike most of my first cousins, we weren't raised together. She is a good bit "different" from all of us. She was raised WAYYYYY differently by a single parent with the parade of various mothers boyfriends, never a step dad, rarely stability. not her fault she doesn't have correct parenting tools...I have few myself actually. Thus my concern for and about these kids, whom I have met less than a handful of times. Things will work out though in the end I trust.

At this point, I think I may be the one lucky to have them after wading through this plethora of paperwork and getting through this obstacle course of do's and training and such :lol: I am really enjoying the class, and seeing how this would have helped IMMENSELY had I taken it prior to step parenting the two kids I have. Too late for the eldest as she is living her own life now, but the 14 year old....I could stand to learn a few things to benefit the both of us and make it out alive ;) She is a handful, and CONSTANTLY pushing and/or overstepping every single barrier placed in front of her. Then I am adding three uncertainties to the mix...I'm either crazy, a glutton for punishment, or I just love these nutty kids enough to put myself aside and dig in. There is always the possibility too that it's all of the above :lol:


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
pinkfox said:
im going with all of the above :p
Watch it now... :lol:

Class was GREAT tonight...too long, but I learned alot. I love how sometimes people have...impressions, not necessarily prejudices, but expectations, and then they get shot to crap :lol: That was me tonight. I was also Bob tonight. :hu We had to do these silly name plates, and so I put my name, and since we were being silly anyway, I put Bob in parenthesis...so they called me Bob :lol: I AM BOB...no wait I am THE BOB! Yeah, I was the best Bob ever! I got picked to be leader of our group, because Bobs are apparently born leaders, and everybody instantly trusted me and wanted me to lead, because I was Bob.

Seriously...ever notice Bobs are generally that "type." Yes, we all had that discussion too. It was weird, but pretty funny. I think I will miss class when it is over. Is that pathetic? I really like these people though...cept the teacher is long winded but aren't they all?

Anyway, 5 hours after leaving the house, I have returned, and am about to go to bed! Soon as I poke around a bt more and see what you crazy kids have been up to in my absence ;)

Woodland Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 16, 2008
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I hope you do get to parent these children. I think you will do a good job with them because you CARE. :)

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