Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I like hills too, but they need to flatten out during a storm like that :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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Wannabefree said:
I like hills too, but they need to flatten out during a storm like that :lol:
Now, those 13 years I spent in exile...err...Kansas....I got the joy of being in 5 tornadoes. My poor lil' truck is full of hail damage. I was driving it for 3 of them too.....no place to run and hide. One time, DD and I had the male, clawed, adult cat in the cab with us. He was loose. She had just taken him out of the carrier not 10 minutes before, and we got walloped with a tornado. We were out on a bridge, going up Hwy 99, on our way to Manhattan KS for her to go to college. I figured she and I would be shredded.....thanks to the cat.. :gig


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
moxies_chickennuggets said:
Wannabefree said:
I like hills too, but they need to flatten out during a storm like that :lol:
Now, those 13 years I spent in exile...err...Kansas....I got the joy of being in 5 tornadoes. My poor lil' truck is full of hail damage. I was driving it for 3 of them too.....no place to run and hide. One time, DD and I had the male, clawed, adult cat in the cab with us. He was loose. She had just taken him out of the carrier not 10 minutes before, and we got walloped with a tornado. We were out on a bridge, going up Hwy 99, on our way to Manhattan KS for her to go to college. I figured she and I would be shredded.....thanks to the cat.. :gig
:lol: I sooooooo dislike cats!! What is it with everybody and cats!? :p Thankfully we missed the quarter size hail they were talking about last night. I can't imagine that drive!!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Home invader has pulled in gotta go :D Hope it's over quick!


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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Wannabefree said:
moxies_chickennuggets said:
Wannabefree said:
I like hills too, but they need to flatten out during a storm like that :lol:
Now, those 13 years I spent in exile...err...Kansas....I got the joy of being in 5 tornadoes. My poor lil' truck is full of hail damage. I was driving it for 3 of them too.....no place to run and hide. One time, DD and I had the male, clawed, adult cat in the cab with us. He was loose. She had just taken him out of the carrier not 10 minutes before, and we got walloped with a tornado. We were out on a bridge, going up Hwy 99, on our way to Manhattan KS for her to go to college. I figured she and I would be shredded.....thanks to the cat.. :gig
:lol: I sooooooo dislike cats!! What is it with everybody and cats!? :p Thankfully we missed the quarter size hail they were talking about last night. I can't imagine that drive!!
Was my daughters cat. Long story. He died back in 2009.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
The home invasion went well :D She left, and now we have one more to do. I guess she'll reschedule sometime in the next few weeks and send it for review. I need to get pictures for her files of the house and pets, and plug in covers for all the outlets, get a landline phone, and do my homework before the next visit and we'll be done :woot I can not WAIT to be finished up with this!!! I love our case worker but I will be glad to not have anymore scheduled visits for paperwork!! I am so tired of paperwork :lol: I gave her a jar of homemade blackberry jam before she left, we were talking about income, and how we don't have as much as some people, but we make our own things, grow alot of our own food, and work our little piece of property, and she seemed really interested and maybe even impressed, so I gave her a jar of jam to sample :) She's so nice. I know some can be kind of snooty, but she is so down to earth and sweet...I'm actually gonna miss her when the home study process is over. We'll go back to our old case worker when this step is finished :( She's really sweet too, but I won't see Tracy again, as she works out of the Jackson office. It weird how you get used to folks and then they're gone and you miss them even though it's not a particularly close relationship. *sigh* She's just so dang likeable! :lol:

Anyway, I guess I need to call my other acquaintance and see when she wants me to come show her how to trim hooves. I don't know how long it'll take, she has 8 but I'm not sure how well behaved they are, or how well behaved they'll be around a stranger. I guess we'll see ;) Then I need to come home and make bread, and do laundry, and start some dinner, and get my homework done. I have to write a autobiography of sorts with as much detail as I can remember about my life and relationships. :hu It's gonna be really weird writing all that out. I hope they find me to be well adjusted and not insane :lol:

Some of the questions are difficult to answer, and very prying. I found it kind of hard to answer some of them today. My past is rather scrambled, and I don't live in it, or wallow in it, so it's difficult to recall and analyze feelings about my past I guess. I'm not the same person, barely even recognize that person anymore most days, and have grown leaps and bounds. I understand why I was some ways, and why other people were the way they were toward me, but it's just difficult to try to sort it all out now because I have gotten beyond the abuse and my own self destructive behaviors of the past. I outgrew my raising. I don't try to raise my kids the way I was raised, and have adopted a lot of different approaches to life than my parents have/had. The contrast is really astounding and difficult to portray. Yeah a cut and dry answer would be "Yes" or "No" whichever the case may be, but they leave no room for expressing personal growth from certain circumstances. It really bugs me. :/ I didn't lie on any of it, but some questions were tempting to fudge a little bit just because it doesn't accurately portray who I am or who we are as a family. And then some answers would be completely irrelevant to the way we live. Then there were others I'd rather not even discuss at all, because those memories are just that, memories, with no affect on the present. It makes me wonder iof other folks have such a difficult time answering these questionnaires or if I really am screwed up in the head :p Either way.....guess it doesn't really matter, it's done and over with, but I guess it just made me think about what they are looking for to begin with to ask such questions. I know what they're really looking for, stability, but some of those questions just seem irrelevant to me, and I'd rather not had to answer a few of them. :hu Glad it's over. Homework is going to suck :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I wish you the best with that homework WBF. It sounds like a high school assignment...only much much bigger. How long do you have to complete it?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
moxies_chickennuggets said:
I wish you the best with that homework WBF. It sounds like a high school assignment...only much much bigger. How long do you have to complete it?
I reall haven't a clue how long I have, but I have an idea of how long it might take :p I have a really good memory and am a stickler for detail...even on things I'd rather not discuss. I am naturally an open person, so I suppose it depends on the questions, but if the questionnaire was any indicator....I may be doing homework for a while. I constantly try to explain WHY I feel the way I do too...so I hope I have a good long while to complete it :lol: I hope it's not too in depth though. I really get irritated discussing certain things, and I like good moods, not drudging through the past that tends to put me in an "off" mood. I've never liked wallowing in it :sick I still have questions myself on some things that I have never really understood, and I don't know that I NEED to understand some things about the past or even that it would make sense to anyone anyway, so why question it?! I moved forward, and don't like stepping back into it. It's not uncomfortable, it's just often unnecessary and I hate when it becomes necessary again for such things as this....if that makes any sense. it doesn't effect my daily life, those days of allowing it that access to me, are long since over, and I don't like recalling some of it at all, even when "necessary" because it's just twisted and pointless to reanalyze. I'm just reallllly not looking forward to it. I quit talking about that stuff a long time ago, because nobody understands, and I don't expect them to, so I don't like it to be brought up anymore. :hu This is some of the things I only discuss with God, and He knows how I feel, and why, and anything beyond that, to me, is just a nuisance. See...I already feel like I'm making no sense :th


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
:rolleyes: I'm going to go find something to do to get my mind off the dread of it now.

I'll catch you all later :)