Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Wannabefree said:
FarmerJamie said:
Wannabefree said:
shiloh is having their reenactment tomorrow and the next day. They've been "practicing" all weekend! It's LOUD round here right now :p
:hit :barnie :he :rant :somad :tongue

I had intended to take this whole week off, but we couldn't get chicken sitters while everyone was gone.... :duc
I'll take pics? :hu Eh...just bring the chickens with ya :lol: Everyone loves Civil War Reenactments ;)
I've always wanted to see one!

We can't do them up here, gloating is frowned upon :p


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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SSDreamin said:
Wannabefree said:
FarmerJamie said:
:hit :barnie :he :rant :somad :tongue

I had intended to take this whole week off, but we couldn't get chicken sitters while everyone was gone.... :duc
I'll take pics? :hu Eh...just bring the chickens with ya :lol: Everyone loves Civil War Reenactments ;)
I've always wanted to see one!

We can't do them up here, gloating is frowned upon :p
Crazy Yankee lady :lol: It's not gloating, it's history ;) I think it's dumb you guys dont do them!!!!!!! Crap, if we can, looks like anybody could. I hate the unspoken ideas that certain things like that are in bad form. It's not! :rant Anyway...that just means you need to come visit me and see the ones we have down here instead. I can live with that :D

I just sold 6 ducks and a goat :woot That takes care of the phone bill :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I have been trying to get DS#2 off WWII and on to the Civil War for months now :rolleyes: No go. The kid is fascinated with all things WWII. Partially my fault - back when we spent money on foolish things like Nascar races (oh, the good old days with our heads planted firmly up our backsides! The smell of burnt rubber, the over priced food, the off track vendors. *sigh*) we always took educational side trips. We've seen the WWII Memorial in Washington, DC, and an amazing Memorial in VA - it was visually stunning! We went there completely by accident. Our MH broke down, and it was going to take all day to fix, so we asked the guy if there were any interesting things to see in the area. He handed us a flyer and said "There's this old WWII thing up the road a ways." YES!!! The surrounding scenery blew my mind almost as much as the Memorial did! What can I say? DH, DS#2 and I are all freaks when it comes to history!

One (horribly expensive) trip to TN, to see The Battle of Shiloh (that is what they reenact, isn't it?) would be SO awesome! Also, VERY educational!! :D Then I could walk around all day with WBF saying "Which Cindi? Cindi Cindi, or Other Cindi?" :gig


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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SSDreamin said:
I have been trying to get DS#2 off WWII and on to the Civil War for months now :rolleyes: No go. The kid is fascinated with all things WWII. Partially my fault - back when we spent money on foolish things like Nascar races (oh, the good old days with our heads planted firmly up our backsides! The smell of burnt rubber, the over priced food, the off track vendors. *sigh*) we always took educational side trips. We've seen the WWII Memorial in Washington, DC, and an amazing Memorial in VA - it was visually stunning! We went there completely by accident. Our MH broke down, and it was going to take all day to fix, so we asked the guy if there were any interesting things to see in the area. He handed us a flyer and said "There's this old WWII thing up the road a ways." YES!!! The surrounding scenery blew my mind almost as much as the Memorial did! What can I say? DH, DS#2 and I are all freaks when it comes to history!

One (horribly expensive) trip to TN, to see The Battle of Shiloh (that is what they reenact, isn't it?) would be SO awesome! Also, VERY educational!! :D Then I could walk around all day with WBF saying "Which Cindi? Cindi Cindi, or Other Cindi?" :gig
:lol: I'd be "other Cindi" while you're here. It's just good manners ;) Yes the battle of Shiloh, one of the bloodiest of the Civil War. The bloody pond still creeps me out to this day. :hide We are pretty close to there, on the same side of the river, and just North of Corinth, MS. Where we live, we're surrounded on all sides by CW sites where there was a lot of action. Michie, TN, is just up the hill from us and that is the route the troops took from Shiloh to Corinth. DD found a mini ball under our clothesline a few years back. Clay soil eventually pukes everything back up. I figure there is still LOTS to be found out here in my woods. I have found sooooooo much stuff just in our yard after a rain! My grandpa found a musket on the other side of the river when he was younger. He donated it to the museum, and it's there somewhere at Shiloh on display now. I used to live in an old farmhouse that was on the site of a church turned hospital back during the war. Part of the house was originally the church. It was one of the old two stories with a breezeway all the way through the center, but then was enclosed when it was plumbed for indoor toilet. I could take you lotsa places around here :D If you come, just bring a metal detector ;)


Power Conserver
Dec 25, 2011
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There is a song that you can find on youtube called gone to Shiloh it is sung by Leon Russell, Elton John and I think the other voice might be James Taylor. It is a beautiful song which I found my self singing along with.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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How awesome to live where history could be barfed up by your yard at any moment! :lol:

I would love it. DH, not so much - he thinks you Southerners are just too friendly (with the exception of KY - he likes it there because the people all look at you like you're a criminal, but for the most part leave you alone :rolleyes: ) :barnie

MI is a boring state, history-wise. French fur trappers. Wow, hold me back, the excitement's too much! :D


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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SSDreamin said:
How awesome to live where history could be barfed up by your yard at any moment! :lol:

I would love it. DH, not so much - he thinks you Southerners are just too friendly (with the exception of KY - he likes it there because the people all look at you like you're a criminal, but for the most part leave you alone :rolleyes: ) :barnie

MI is a boring state, history-wise. French fur trappers. Wow, hold me back, the excitement's too much! :D
no comment from the Buckeye on the Michigander's comments.. :lol:


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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SSDreamin said:
How awesome to live where history could be barfed up by your yard at any moment! :lol:

I would love it. DH, not so much - he thinks you Southerners are just too friendly (with the exception of KY - he likes it there because the people all look at you like you're a criminal, but for the most part leave you alone :rolleyes: ) :barnie

MI is a boring state, history-wise. French fur trappers. Wow, hold me back, the excitement's too much! :D
:lol: Your DH sounds lovely :lol: I probably am too friendly but I was raised in a huge family, so I meet no strangers...ever! So tell him to kiss my grits :p :lol:

French fur trappers huh....that does sound a bit bland. Then again, our OTHER claim to fame is supposedly we're "The Catfish Capitol of the World" :lol: I always thought that was pathetic. Then our county is also "Home to Bufford Pusser" big fat whoooopeeeee :rolleyes: If folks only knew the truth :/ However, I do like living here in the quiet, somewhat slow pace of the rural South.

Next time the yard pukes something up I'll post pics. I dunno what DD ever did with that miniball :hu If I find another I'll send it to ya :D


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Well so far I get to help 3 friends today :D This morning I had to go down and fix T's truck door so she could take her kid to school. Last night I sold a AC unit for another friend who needed some cash(had it sold in an hour :lol: ) and today I get to pick it up and take it to another friend who was in BAD need of an AC and is disabled, so we will deliver it to her :) It just makes me feel good to be helpful to others :) I have to go that way anyhow, so I'm not even out any more gas than I would have been. :woot

I have to haul a load of steel this morning, then the pick up and delivery, then I'm coming back home and making pizzas for the freezer and bread, and something sweet for tonight. Then I may try to get some more peas planted if it's not TOO wet out in the garden.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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got a busy busy day ahead sounds like. they were saying 70% chance of rain this afternoon for the area...

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