Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Wannabefree said:
SSDreamin said:
How awesome to live where history could be barfed up by your yard at any moment! :lol:

I would love it. DH, not so much - he thinks you Southerners are just too friendly (with the exception of KY - he likes it there because the people all look at you like you're a criminal, but for the most part leave you alone :rolleyes: ) :barnie

MI is a boring state, history-wise. French fur trappers. Wow, hold me back, the excitement's too much! :D
:lol: Your DH sounds lovely :lol: I probably am too friendly but I was raised in a huge family, so I meet no strangers...ever! So tell him to kiss my grits :p :lol:

French fur trappers huh....that does sound a bit bland. Then again, our OTHER claim to fame is supposedly we're "The Catfish Capitol of the World" :lol: I always thought that was pathetic. Then our county is also "Home to Bufford Pusser" big fat whoooopeeeee :rolleyes: If folks only knew the truth :/ However, I do like living here in the quiet, somewhat slow pace of the rural South.

Next time the yard pukes something up I'll post pics. I dunno what DD ever did with that miniball :hu If I find another I'll send it to ya :D
*cough, cough* the second one you find, remember, eh?


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 8, 2012
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Wanna, can you educate me as to why southerners would WANT to recreate the civil war? Such a devestating, bloody thing that they lost... I have never understood it. Then again, I can't think of a war that I WOULD want to recreate. Perhaps it's just me.

I do miss the history of living in the South. We used to live in Round Rock, TX and would go to Pioneer Days, and gun fight reenactments, etc. I loved it! Even as a kid I was a history fan... hope my son is the same, or he faces a life time of eye rolling and heavy sighs. ;) My mom's family was in new england, so we would always take historical side trips when we visited them. Here in WA all we have is native american history, and a few old forts. It's interesting, but it's not like "seeing" the events that created your country, you know?!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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FarmerJamie said:
Wannabefree said:
SSDreamin said:
How awesome to live where history could be barfed up by your yard at any moment! :lol:

I would love it. DH, not so much - he thinks you Southerners are just too friendly (with the exception of KY - he likes it there because the people all look at you like you're a criminal, but for the most part leave you alone :rolleyes: ) :barnie

MI is a boring state, history-wise. French fur trappers. Wow, hold me back, the excitement's too much! :D
:lol: Your DH sounds lovely :lol: I probably am too friendly but I was raised in a huge family, so I meet no strangers...ever! So tell him to kiss my grits :p :lol:

French fur trappers huh....that does sound a bit bland. Then again, our OTHER claim to fame is supposedly we're "The Catfish Capitol of the World" :lol: I always thought that was pathetic. Then our county is also "Home to Bufford Pusser" big fat whoooopeeeee :rolleyes: If folks only knew the truth :/ However, I do like living here in the quiet, somewhat slow pace of the rural South.

Next time the yard pukes something up I'll post pics. I dunno what DD ever did with that miniball :hu If I find another I'll send it to ya :D
*cough, cough* the second one you find, remember, eh?
Hey now, Buckeye Boy! :lol:

'The Miniball War', between Michigan and Ohio, appears to have started over the wrongful possession of a Civil War artifact, by one 'Farmer Jamie' :gig


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Odd duck...it's the history, and part of our heritage. It doesn't matter who won or lost as far as that goes, it matters that it happened, and changed our ways of life in such drastic ways, it was a turning point for a lot of society/farmers/etc. of that time in our young nations life. There are a lot of political posturing situations that aren't often included in studies on the Civil War. The only reason I am glad "we" "lost" is due to the black population deserving better than SOME had it working as slaves. I have found that most slaves were pretty well treated, and the tyrants that mistreated theirs were evil jerks to everyone anyway. I don't really look at it as a win/lose situation, but more of a growth spurt in our nations rich history, so I think it should be reenacted as a reminder to look to the future rather than making the same mistakes of our past, as a WHOLE country, not just specific regions/races/etc. I think it was a blessing in a lot of ways. Then again, I can find the positive side of a rotten can of worms ;) I do feel like it was significant in that it is one of those things you can "see" that shaped our country and our culture. I enjoy history too.

We also have ancient Indian burial mounds around here too. I used to find arrowheads all the time as a child, still do when I go looking ;) My favorite was combing the river bank for broken pieces of pottery. Some pieces have really intricate designs. Being on the Tennessee River lots of civilizations crossed through or settled here. We are very rich in history around this area. Memphis was a huge port and very significant years ago, still is, but isn't the hub that it once was. All roads lead to the river ;)

Jamie, of course you can have a mini ball if I find one. I figured you to have a whole stock pile of CW memorabilia anyway, it never crossed my mind you wouldn't have things like that :hu

SSD :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, maybe I'll have to move down there. Hubby was talking tonight about moving to Tennessee.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Well...baby boy blackjack is gone :hit They came and got him while ago :( He cried, and I almost did. I only had the little feller for 3 weeks, but he made his mark on the history of the little farmlette. He was precious. I know...he'll turn into a stinky buck too, but he was such a sweet boy, i hated to see him leave. My only solace was the grin on the 9 year old new owners face, and the hugs he was giving BJ. It was cute :love

Anywho...nothing worked out quite as planned today. The AC unit did NOT go to my friend. It was the wrong size. So, i had already paid for it, turned around and offered it to someone else for sale for twice what I paid, and they are probably coming to get it this weekend :D Weird. So in a way I have sold it twice in two days :lol:

The BEANS AND PEAS ARE COMING UP!!!!!!!!!! :weee :weee :woot Just thought i'd share :D I picked a bunch of basil today too, and my first strawberry :drool

We had burgers for supper with homemade mac sauce again...that stuff is sooooo good, and for dessert...chocolate covered strawberries :drool I bought these berries from a farmer up the road.

DD has a job picking berries this summer at that place ;) I already told her 9% can go to the household(mainly to cover gas to take her back and forth) and not to forget to put some in savings and pay her tithes FIRST, before the "wants" list gets covered. Hopefully this will teach her some responsibility and make her quit nagging me for money all the time :p


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Denim Deb said:
Well, maybe I'll have to move down there. Hubby was talking tonight about moving to Tennessee.
The house next door is for sale, and the one across the street. Both are 2 story 4 bedrooms. One on 4 acres fenced, with existing fruit trees, and a 1/2 acre pond, the other on 10 acres partially fenced. One 80K the other 349K <--- :th

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It won't be for awhile if we do move.

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