Sometimes it depends on which direction the eggs are coming from. I sold to a woman in North Dakota or somewhere once, and could NOT get eggs to her intact no matter how many times I put fragile on the box and labelled it well, and packed them. We eventually gave up :/ Maybe the Arizona eggs coming from that direction were just travelling through nicer egg friendly PO's. It happens. Some of the PO's are run by a bunch of jokesters.
Well I got up at 5:30 this morning, cooked a big breakfast, homemade biscuit, eggs, bacon, etc. ate, and then got busy. I got the 300 pounds of really really yucky asparagus composted in layers with hay, and tomato scraps. I got all the animals fed and watered and scrubbed waterers. I got the kitchen straightened up. I dug a few worms for the worm bed I am starting. I have cleaned up the chicken yard, removed a few old pallets, set up the little chicks run and secured it. I also burned a bunch of old scrap wood and trash. Then I am helping DH start to reassemble the garage, and level it, then I have to get set up for slaughter day on the meaties. I still have to clean out the freezer, and organize, so I'll have room for the meat birds in there, but I think I'm doing pretty good today so far. We just had homemade chalupas for lunch and they were goooooooooood I need to make those more often. DD will be mad we had them without her Oh speaking of food I have to repack those fish and freeze them too. They won't take up a whole lot of room though thankfully. Still lots to do, but for once I may actually have time to do it all without being rushed or working until bedtime
I hope everyone else is having a nice productive Monday!!
I think I just sold all the chickies we got the neighbors car and truck fixed today too AND I HAS DUCKIE FLUFFS!!!!! I thought they were dead!!! We have at least ten though They're hard to count in a wad :/ I DID get everything done today too PLUS, I sat out and talked to my buddy for 2 hours this afternoon because she was feeling down and I cooked supper for her so she could get some "me" time. I am a good neighbor DD was very mad about the chalupas Told ya!
DD: What's that shredded cheese from in the fridge? (she never misses anything!)
Me: Me and daddy had chalupas for lunch.
Me: Yup.
DD: You ALWAYS wait till I'm gone to have the good stuff huh?
Me: Yup.
DD: You're so mean!!!!
Me: well at least I'm good at it
(pause while it sinks in)
Me: I can describe how delicious and mouth watering they were if you'd like.