Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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moxies_chickennuggets said:
I so understand about the "poor" thing. Went from 2500$ week as a couple, to 700$ a month, as a divorced mom of a teenager. It was rough for quite a long time.
Sounds familiar. How in the world did ya make it on $700 a month? My bills would laugh in my face if that was all I had to throw at them :/ I wish this stupid house was paid off. It irritates me I can't double and triple the payments like I used to...we're barely scraping out one right now though, and still falling short the last few months even on that. We'd be behind if our neighbors hadn't helped. It's just getting to me lately. We work our butts off in this heat, and still can't make it. It just makes no sense.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Been there as well, hubs was out of work for a year and we had literally NO income for a couple of months or so because he is a self-employed IT (computers) contractor with no benefits or eligibility for unemployment. We both eventually found minimum wage jobs to get us through while he was on the job hunt, but it took forever till he found a new job and we spent that whole year stressed and worried and we argued way more than usual due to the stress.

But we made it, and you will too! :hugs We're praying for you!


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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Wannabefree said:
moxies_chickennuggets said:
I so understand about the "poor" thing. Went from 2500$ week as a couple, to 700$ a month, as a divorced mom of a teenager. It was rough for quite a long time.
Sounds familiar. How in the world did ya make it on $700 a month? My bills would laugh in my face if that was all I had to throw at them :/ I wish this stupid house was paid off. It irritates me I can't double and triple the payments like I used to...we're barely scraping out one right now though, and still falling short the last few months even on that. We'd be behind if our neighbors hadn't helped. It's just getting to me lately. We work our butts off in this heat, and still can't make it. It just makes no sense.
Well, lets see....trailer payment was 300$ month. Lot rent was 165$ a month. I had 11$ basic cable per month. Power bill fluctuated, depending on the season. Heating or cooling. I could count my 2 good months as April and October, when the power bill was 35$. Did NOT use a dryer...just my washer, and hang up clothes on racks inside, and over the tubs. Gas bill was for furnace and stove only....natural gas. No cell phone. I had a landline, basic as I could get. I think it was 35$ month. Gas to work and back....20$ week, back then.

300$ -payment for trailer
165$ -lot rent
11$ -landline
65-120$ -electric
45$ -natural gas
80$-gas for work
73$ -auto insurance-( 4x every 6 months)

total 666$ -give or take

I worked healthcare..any and all OT I could get. Worked ALL holidays...time and a half. Could eat at least one meal at work per day. (Assisted living)

I also had 1 daughter at home, 1st yr of college. Before that, she was HS of course.
I lived like that from 2001-2008.......pinched pennies, scrimped, ate out..fast food...maybe 1x a month. Cooked from scratch. Shop at thrift stores.
Now, April and Oct I had things like car tags, taxes on the mobile home, etc. I also used my income tax returns to buy things i needed and had to wait for. One year, 06' was a new radiator for my truck, as DD had been in a wreck on campus. Took me 1.5 yrs to get a new one. Income tax return.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Yep, familiar with all of that. We get food stamps right now or we'd be hungry, because the garden has totally crapped out, aside from a few tomatoes, due to all this heat. Our bills are killing us, and the cell phones ONLY stay on because it's the only way anyone knows how to contact DH IF any work were to pop up. Our house payment is $535, insurance is another $45. Car insurance is $40. TV is $25. Cell phone is $75. Water hit $40 this month, and electric is running $150. Internet is $50. Property tax is $45. Feed runs about $40 a month. Fuel is around $200 because church is so far away and I skip half the time!!! So, $1300 a month is about where our bills are, and we can't even make that. :/

We dry our clothes outside. I was washing by hand...guess I'll start back doing that, and I cook outside a good bit. Around here you can't walk anywhere, even when it's close enough, you'd die of heat stroke(not kidding with 110+ heat indexes daily) or get eaten by stray dogs before you get to your destination, otherwise I would. I love to walk. Unfortunately, I don't have a bike :/ Most places are 8+ miles away, and no public transportation.

I wear my clothes most of the week before washing unless I am going somewhere, or get them dowright filthy, and same with showering. Wash off every night instead, and I HATE it with a passion because I don't wanna stink.

We're pushing 4 years of this crap, and I'm just sick of the roller coaster, I want OFF the ride. I'm rather tired of living, not in a crazy suicidal way, but I'm just exhausted from trying so hard with little result. *sigh*


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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More :hugs

I know you will be ok, as hard as life is right now--and I know I didn't have it anywhere as bad as you or for nearly as long, but I remember how it felt. The arguments, the lack of sleep, the trying to make it all work, the worries worries worries and how tired I was of it all.

I can only offer you :hugs :hugs :hugs and the knowledge that I'm praying for you.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Well the one GOOD thing is we aren't arguing...we've had a few over the last 4 years, but mostly about the kids being so spoiled. I think it hit them the hardest, and boy did the youngest show her tail for a loooooooong time! Anyway, now, I keep it to myself, or post on here when I get aggravated at it all. I'm just SO TIRED and getting really CRANKY. The fact that it's a dreary rainy last two days and I've really gotten next to nothing done is bugging the crap outta me too. I'm okay as long as I don't have time to slow down and think about things :hu

I think I'm gonna go make about 50 waffles to put in the freezer and make a crap load of pizza pockets for DD's school lunch to freeze, and maybe do some more cleaning. I'm not in any kind of mood for any of that, but....at least I'll be being productive.

I did get 22 tomato plants set out yesterday for a Fall garden hopefully. DH pulled a muscle in his back, and I feel so horrible that he has to work SO hard....I guess that is what has got me SO frustrated..I HATE HATE HATE it, for him. At least he is taking today off due to the rain. If it hadn't rained, he'd have been right back out there hurting or not.

I'm just tired. of everything. It sucks, and I'm just taking a day or so to stop pretending it doesn't suck :p

I'll be okay, just need to gripe and complain and throw my hands up in the air for a little while to get all the frustration out.

I'm going to hide in the kitchen for the rest of the day drowning myself in cooking, and probably eating :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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:hugs You go right ahead and vent WBF. It's ruff out there for alot of people, and not looking much promising for the future..atm. :barnie

I forgot, on the one bill...internet came with my landline...and it was worth it. I have lived off of the net now since 2000. Found jobs, a new life, housing, a new husband even. I can live without a cellphone, but I need my net. It also helps me save so much money. Freecycle, Habitat Re-store, DIY info, free checking accounts, forums and ideas like SS, medical needs, U-pick locations.....and on and on. Right now, I am using my home made laundry detergent...it helps to not have to buy that expensive laundry det every month.

We are stingy on baths too....after the well went dry 2x. I have come to the concluion that our well can tolerate 1 to 2 baths per day....OR.... 1 load of laundry...and the various other household uses. Toilet flushings, (If it's yellow, let it mellow...) hand washing dishes, and using grey water for gardens.
We do the PTA daily...then baths as necessary. Wear the clothes like you do.....several times if possible, switch to clean if they are nasty or get filthy.

The chickens and ducks get rainwater to drink if it's fresh. If not, they get well water. We have 5 of the gallon waterers to keep filled. I also spray the ducks for abut 10 seconds every day.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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moxies_chickennuggets said:
:hugs You go right ahead and vent WBF. It's ruff out there for alot of people...
Totally ditto this--we're here for you! Sometimes a listening ear, or shoulder to cry/rant on, really helps. :hugs