Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I don't "deserve" a break per se, but I'd really LIKE one! :lol: I took it today. Glad I did, guest speaker at church, who I don't care for because he doesn't preach biblically, so I didn't miss a thang ;) DH came home a bit grumpy, said barely half way through, he just tuned him out and started reading his bible instead of listening. He wished he hadn't gone. :hu

I got the pig deal did. If I were not with self control, I know an old man who would've been perhaps just now waking up from being knocked slap out cold. What makes old men think they can get away with whatever, like grabbing my butt?!?!?! :somad :rant I have respect for my elders, but if my elders can't respect me, I'm about to start throwing blows :smack DH is going to have a talk with him. I'm done talking. That's twice, first time got brushed off as perhaps a mistake, now I KNOW he did it on purpose, and he's about to hear it...again, cause he got an earfull from me this morning already. This is a guy I deal with all the time, and the one I deal with on the potbellies, but if this is what kind of behavior that's to be expected, then I can do without the business. I'm not redneck trash, I'm a happily married woman, and THAT part of me is for my hubby ONLY! Sexist pigs and dirty old men need not apply!! I am so pissed!

Anyway.....:rolleyes: I did have a good thing happen this morning too. I went to get a few groceries, and used some more of my coupons, so I got $40 worth of groceries, for $13! :woot It was awesome!!!!!! And now, I have enough groceries for a few weeks :) I'm selling the two wee lil piggies for $70, and should have that money here shortly, so I will have some cash this week. Whew, money is still tight since DH was off for his daddy's funeral, we're just now getting caught up again. I'm still short on one bill though, but it can hold off till I get a few loads of steel next week.

I'm supposed to go riding tomorrow after I get my many many chores done. We'll see how it goes. I need to get the greenhouse cleaned up and gravel put down finally. Things have gotten so behind here lately with animals getting out and people throwing a money wrench in the works here and there. I'll be glad to knock out a few projects this week! I'll see what I can do. Hopefully my back will hold out :lol:


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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They had revival at a church near us this week, and we went Monday. We read some verses out of Matthew 23 (I Believe) and we went from that to prohibition to a horse track being near his church in Ohio. And he went on about politics too and :rolleyes: and we didn't go back.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Wannabefree said:
Denim Deb said:
money wrench
Never heard of this type of wrench. Is it kind of like a money tree? :hide
Do you ONLY read my posts to pick out the typos?
Of course not. I respond other times.

I didn't go to church today either. And I don't blame your hubby for tuning the guy out. I would have as well. We've had people come in and preach good the first time or 2, then preach again and be way out there. They're never asked back.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I say smack the guy if he does that again. Reminds me of a time that my daughter and I went into a convenience store. There was an old, nasty looking fella giving my daughter the eyeball. I could see it coming....he walked behind her and reached out and brushed her behind. I came unglued all over this guy. I slapped him in the middle of the back, cuz he was walking away from me. He turned around ready to eat me alive when I got in his face and told him that I'd have him arrested for sexual assault on a minor and he backed down. Pretty funny how quickly he went from being pissed to being oh so sorry.... GRRRRRRRRRRRR....People do NOT have a right to touch someone... Sorry for the rant, but I have no patience for that kind of thing.

Glad you got a little break this morning! And, congrats on saving all that money!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
That's one reason I don't like going to the hay auction any more. I've never had anyone try to grab me, but I've had guys try to pick me up. And, telling them I'm married doesn't seem to matter to them. :somad


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Some folks just have no decency :/ It's a good thing he didn't do that to my kid, I would have lost all semblance of self control at that point, and I'd have likely beat him senseless with the closest thing I could get my hands on, which would've been a metal chair in this case. I've already almost got into a fight there over her getting cussed out by a woman. It's one thing to mess with me and make me mad, but it's another entirely to mess with my brat! As much as I'd like to beat her myself sometimes I'd come much nearer killing someone over her :lol:

Buffy, I can't say I blame you for not going back :/

Deb, this is not the first time this one has preached. Our church was founded by his granddad, and his mother and sister still go there. He is a missionary in Sudan, and is only in the country on occassion. I went to school with him, I have known him personally since we were in grade school, he means well, but he just can't seem to get his head around some scripture. His name, unfortunately, often buys him a pass, which is WRONG, but small town/church politics.....need I say more?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
That shouldn't be allowed. Sorry you have to deal w/that. :hugs Just like you can't expect to get into heaven on someone else's coattails, you shouldn't be allowed to preach just because of family connections if you're not preaching the Bible.

As for the kid, I know if someone were to even LOOK at my DD wrong, they'd have to deal w/her big brother! And, since they have a lot of friends that are the same, they all know better! We'd be bailing our son out of jail.