Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Sometmes house guests are just a blessing. He FINALLY got to walk the aisle this morning, with my husband, and it was incredibly sweet to see my two guys up there. It was nice of hubby to be so supportive, and go with him. It was just very touching. I may be tired of him by next week, but for right now, I'm loving him being here :lol: :p M is one of those folks who will sense when it's getting to be too much and "find something to do" so I'm not worried about our privacy or our family time at this point anyway. Besides, tomorrow everyone goes back to work and school. This week has been nuts with DD home and all that has been going on. We'll all be settled back into our own personal grooves by Tuesday. WHEW! lol! We went and got M's things that he had had to leave just a bit ago, and filled the neighbors truck up in the process. Now I have to take my truck, fill it up, and take DD and the neighbor kid to their concert tonight in Mississippi. The News Boys are playing, and the youth group is going. Some of the adults are going as well/ DH doesn't want to, but me and M might go since he has only ever been to a Lee Greenwood concert....and that is truly sad :p

Today has been a good day. :)

I'm lazy ya'll...I really don't do nuffin, I just cram a lot into my day and usually have a lot of good help mostly :lol:


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Lalalalala....lalalalala..cam't wait till Thursday when the boss gets home. I got lotsa q's! *sigh* I gotta edumacate myself better on cows and pigs. Been reading up on stuff today after I got off work and paid bills.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Wonder how that happened..... :lol: :p

Today was good. We got the pool down, brooder cleaned, yard cleaned, animals fed, and a truck load of trash hauled off. THEN we came home, gathered a few acorns, hauled a load of steel and cleaned this yard up. I LOVE having someone here to help that can hang in at my pace :weee :D We've had some great conversation since Sunday too. Nothing even really feels like work when you have someone to talk to, and this has been a good week for that. :)


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Wannabefree said:
Wonder how that happened..... :lol: :p

Today was good. We got the pool down, brooder cleaned, yard cleaned, animals fed, and a truck load of trash hauled off. THEN we came home, gathered a few acorns, hauled a load of steel and cleaned this yard up. I LOVE having someone here to help that can hang in at my pace :weee :D We've had some great conversation since Sunday too. Nothing even really feels like work when you have someone to talk to, and this has been a good week for that. :)
... few acorns.... ? how many truckloads? :p

I've send you one PM in a week, tried to send a second, and its my fault? :plbb


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
no truckloads.....yet :p Gotta call B and get arrangements made for pick up soon though. I never said it was your fault, actually this time it was Buffy, but I'm not sweeping up for a bit because I am tired of PM's!!!! Every time I get on the box gets filled up lately, and it annoys meh having to clean it out so often :lol:

Farm went well today. Can't WAIT till the boss gets back! We have that place lookin gooooood. We got the sign cemented in today, actually, I did THAT by myself. Any idea how hard it is to hold a huge freakin billboard plumb and pour quikcrete at the same time!?!?!?! But well, M was dealing with a sick chicken and scrubbing waterers. We have 14 more coops built and ready for bird butts to be plunked in them. Then we have the garage organized and swept up. I try to sweep daily since feed gets spilled and we track in a bunch of dirt. A clean workplace is a safe workplace they say...I just hate the clutter :p We have the yard MUCH cleaaner than before, and I have hauled off at least 3 loads of trash and have another load ready to haul out. I can't wait to see how everythig is going to come together though once we're done with the construction and set up phases. We have about 100 chickens, 50 ducks, 5 peacocks, 4 pigs, 3 cows, a dog, 4 cats, 2 flying squirrels...... :lol: Seriously, I have no idea what else is lurking, but there really is all that stuff there. We just take care of the outside animals though ;)

Had to take the neighbor to get his truck today. We got a lot done here. I made bread and buns, then we chased the pig about a half mile through the woods. When we gave up and came home, it wasn't 30 minutes before that jerkface hog was standing in my front yard :/ I got Kitty girl on the leash and she reminded him where he is safe. It only took about 10 minutes with her out there. She intimidates the crap out of him now :lol: I can't wait to get him slaughtered!!!!!!!!!!!! He is SUCH a royal butt pain!!

Anywho, that was my day.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
mmmmmmmm BACON lol.

sounds like a crazy day!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
It was crazy lol, but not all that bad really. That uphill ducking around saplings and spider webs and over and under fallen trees in the woods was a bit annoying, but I had a great morning at the farm. I LOVE that farm!! It's my dream farm really. I just couldn't ask for a better job! I'll have to take you out to see it sometime Pinky :) I think you'd get along well with J and H too.

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