Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Hey who gave anybody permission to have a party in my room without me!??!!? :D

Hi BUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How ya been? How's school? Any new pursuits? How's your writing going? FFA? I missed ya lil buddy! DD is getting into FFA and trying to become an officer, I may need your advice soon ;) She's FINALLY listening to me and trying to get things in order to start applying for scholarships and getting into extracurricular activities!!! Junior year....I think it's about time :hu Wish she would have started sooner, but it's better late than never right? ;)

Anyway, nothing much going on here. Same old. Still waiting on things to pop. It seems like everything is slow moving like molasses lately :/

I've been fishing a good bit lately, and trying to take some things to the market here and there.

DH has found another job, and it's supposed to start up in the next couple weeks and last about 9 months. So that is a plus, but again with the waiting :lol: I try not to sound ungrateful, but everything is a waiting game and it is starting to get on my nerves a little bit.

All this moving in new directions stuff is complicated and nerve wracking, but some aspects are finally going smoothly, while others....I'm having to rely on my limited ammount of patience to hold me over.....and it's. SO. HARD! :lol:

Today is slow. Tomorrow will probably be so fast paced it'll take two of us just to keep up. So....rOlLeR CoAsTeR it is. :p

I hope everyone has had or is having a good week, or at least will have a good weekend! :frow


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Hey there,

Good to see you and glad to know things are moving ... even if slowly. Patience is one virtue I was not blessed with. I find it pure torture to w.a.i.t on things...


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Wannabefree said:
Hi BUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How ya been? How's school? Any new pursuits? How's your writing going? FFA? I missed ya lil buddy! DD is getting into FFA and trying to become an officer, I may need your advice soon ;) She's FINALLY listening to me and trying to get things in order to start applying for scholarships and getting into extracurricular activities!!! Junior year....I think it's about time :hu Wish she would have started sooner, but it's better late than never right? ;)
I've been doing pretty good. Busy of course. School is good, and I love my schedule. I am taking 15 credit hours this semester, as dual credit courses. By second period my required are out of the way, and I have business or ag classes the rest of the day. Pursuits? No, I finally learned I couldn't do it all. So, I have been downsizing on all the animals. The garden is gotten bigger, but it's care is a lot different than animals. I am now trying to perfect a few from scratch cooking skills. Turning out pretty well. Writing is great, and is going well. BHM has purchased all of my pieces I have submitted thus far. I am just now getting back into the writing mode, summer was terribly busy and I didn't have time. That's great DD is becoming involved! She'll have a blast, and any questions feel free to shoot them my way.

Better late than never is definitely than never! For sure!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Fem I know right? Sheesh...you'd think by now I'd be good at waiting :lol:

Jamester, I am so glad you are enjoying school buddy, and still writing! That is awesome!!! DD is enjoying it so far too. She has joined a few clubs and is getting into more activities. She doesn't have an Ag class until next semester, but she is already in the FFA, and they are working with her to get her into a good position to hopefully be an officer so she can do some of the trips and activities this semester. I don't know when she interviews yet...waiting on that too. I will let you know, and we'll bug you to death with questions probably :D You're so awesome for being so willing to help! :hugs I am VERY glad you learned ya can't do it all ;) I do admire your tenacity and work ethic though! You're a fine young man Buffy, no matter what the rest of them say about you :old :lol:

I was right to think I'd have too much going over the weekend. Jumping through hoops, after having to make the hoops and set up the hoops, take down the hoops, and put the hoops away too..... :lol: We did pretty good at the sale yesterday. I figure our profit margins will grow later, right now, it's just a little fledgling business(?) barely getting it's tiny little feet off the ground, BUT this coming week I have a few things lined up to increase our inventory, and people are responding well to the concept and we already have a few repeat customers that will hopefully grow into loyal customers sooooooooo....for such a miniscule venture, it looks pretty promising thus far :) We're growing at a snails pace :lol: We are only two weeks in though with this particular idea.

Yesterday was fun. We got up at the crack of dawn, got there, got set up, worked till time for church. I went to church, came back, and worked for a couple more hours, then we packed up and came home, unloaded everything, and then I had to do a couple inventory runs to restock because we were out of most items. Next week DH will get to go to church...we're taking turns, isn't that sweet? :lol: The good news is we may actually make some clear money by this time next month :p probably just in time for the market to shut down for the season, but we'll have inventory for Spring, and I can focus on our other things we have going. Produce sold pretty good this week, but it's pretty sparse, not our focus, and we'll NEVER pay for the time effort and sweat put into the garden this year to make it worth it so it's just a byproduct of having to be there anyway lol!

DH may start work this week....we dunno anything yet...still waiting. I hope he does, but OTOH....I need his help too.

I need to get out of here and feed the starving screaming(goats) masses before they keel over from exhaustion with all that laborious complaining they are out there doing :/ See ya'll at break time...whenever/whatever that is :p :frow


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
As soon as I posted and started out to feed the animals.....guess who got called to work to fill out paperwork? :( He starts Wednesday. Poop! Thank God he'll only be gone an hour or so today!!! I miss him already. :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
I missed it, is this farmers market of flea market?

sounds like thigns are moving along nicely..sucks he has to go back to work, but a little extra income is always nice!

mum and dad are probably coming for the last week of sept, and first week of oct but not set in stone yet.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Flea market....with some farmers market type stuff and other items. ;)

YAY my parents are coming to see me!!!!!!!!! Oh.....wait....YOUR parents are coming to see me!! No...yeah..... ok....MAYBE they are coming to see US :lol: Seriously...I am looking forward to a visit, they are such sweeties! LOVE your parents!!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
LOTS of peppers and pepper sauce and pickled peppers...a few pickles, some jams, everything else is frozen to can later at this point. I have had almost ZERO time for canning as of yet :/ Oh well though, it'll keep the house warm when cooler weather arrives and I'm doing a bunch of canning ;)

Today is DH's last day home before starting the new job tomorrow. And.........we will have a food truck to distribute this afternoon *sigh* I LOVE the work, the smiles on all my folks faces, and just the people we serve in general, and LOVE being able to be a part of all of that.....but what wonderful timing! :lol: I was hoping to spend the entire day lazing around the house with hubs enjoying each others company ALL day long....but work beckons. It is funny, we haven't gotten a truck in in almost two months, but then BAM what better day than today?!?! :p We skipped farmer market this morning and slept in a while so we'd have some time together. At least we can rearrange that. I can do market tomorrow morning while he's at work. The okra can wait! :) This afternoon is going to be crazy. We won't get the truck in until around 3, and it is always a 5+ hour job, most times it runs more akin to 8 hours, NOT counting getting there and getting the truck loaded down, which generally takes anywhere from 1-3 hours itself. Sooooo......guess y'all know where I will be after lunch ;)

I hope everybody has a great day! :frow

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