Want to come back on this forum after almost two years!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
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Amos, there were Rouen, Cayuga, Swedish and Pekin mixes. Some were pure and some weren't. My 8 year old dd had a crying fit when we got back in our car, she was sobbing her heart out. I told her that that was farm life, she just frowned at me and continued to cry. :rolleyes::)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
homesteadmomma said:
Amos, there were Rouen, Cayuga, Swedish and Pekin mixes. Some were pure and some weren't. My 8 year old dd had a crying fit when we got back in our car, she was sobbing her heart out. I told her that that was farm life, she just frowned at me and continued to cry. :rolleyes::)
Awww, homestead....tell your DD, that this almost 50 yr old woman STILL gets teary eyed when she sells an animal from the farm. Its never easy, even knowing thats why we raised them. Give her a hug from me. But, congrats on getting them all sold!! ;)


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
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Justusnak, my dd smiled when I told her what you said. :)

I am exhausted, absolutely wiped out and you know what I can't wait to get up and start all over again in the morning. DS surprised me this morning; he took the four loads of laundry off of the line and folded them and put them away. I was so happy because after I got done washing today I had four more loads to go on there. I don't always take the laundry down as soon as it is dry, sometimes it stays on there for a couple of days. :hide However I am proud to say tonight my clothesline is free of clothes.

I weeded the garden and water it well and delivered 4 dozen eggs to town this morning when I took dd to preschool. I also stopped and visited my grandma in the assisted living home and I used to work there so I had lots of people to see.

I put 15 more duck eggs in the incubator. I decided why not, there are people posting on CL looking for baby ducks so here we go again. My poor dd just shook her head and sighed.

Finished pulling the radishes from the garden today and will transplant the four volunteer tomato plants that came up tonight after I get done here.

I mentioned the free trees in an earlier post and we decided to get them in the ground today, 40 MY BIG TOE, THERE WAS ..................
WAIT FOR IT.......................................................85 trees to plant. I am exhausted. I had to haul dirt to fill around them in the wheelbarrow and then also haul water to them.I almost fell asleep at the dinner table.

DD was thrilled because I put the strawberries in this year and have been pinching off all the blooms and berries and will do this until July 1st. Anyway somehow I missed one and she had a small red strawberry to pick and eat.

I am getting concerned because after 2 weeks my asparagus still has not sprouted. I don't except any asparagus for years but I would like to see a sprout.

Maybe just maybe the tomatoes can be transplanted tomorrow, they are growing , what is one more day!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
85 trees!????? :ep You poor thing...I just know how whoooped you were after hauling and planting. But, now you can look out there and say...ALL DONE...what a great job!
I have a guy coming today to buy turkeys... :/ I know they need to go, but jeesh, its still hard. Only 5 out there, but 15 eggies under the hens! I am going to be over run with turkeys in a few weeks. Just hope I can sell them quickly.
homestead....tell your DD its ok to be upset. Is proves she has a good heart. Very caring. :love


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
Oh, today was a good day except I am sunburned. We went fishing again and brought home 14 Rainbow. They went in the freezer though because we have a 4-H potluck tomorrow night to attend. It was wonderful being in the fresh mountain air and enjoying the world God made.

When we got home, we cleaned the fish and put the guts and heads under the pepper plants. Then it was time to do the chores and get ready for tomorrow.

My geese are now 2 weeks old and they are still so friendly. They will cuddle right up to me and lay their head on my shoulder. I seen on CL tonight somebody was selling gosling for $15 a piece. That is high I think, I am not sure if I will sell any next year but if I do that would pay for the cost of the geese and feed I think.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!!! That is how I feel, I woke up that way and the feeling has continued all day. I did three loads of laundry and they are on the line. Transplanted four cucumber seedlings my 5 year old brought home from preschool.

The weather looks overcast and I am so praying that it rains, taht means I wouldn't have to water the garden, the trees or the flowers. Plus the ducks would love it and I love to watch them play in the rain. The goats would hate it and bawl until they were let in their house. :D

I lost my Khaki Campbell hen yesterday, not a sign of her. I got her in February so I am sure she is not brooding somewhere, too young I think. I am so sad. She disapperared in the middle of the day. Walked the whole property line and there are chicken feathers everywhere so I will have to do a head count tonight. We have woke up the last two nights to the smell of skunk spray. I thought skunks just ate eggs, but I now think I am wrong. UGH!!!!!!!!!!

There is so much work to be done and I am so unmotivated. I just want to cry!


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
Sorry about your duck. Skunks do eat things besides the eggs :(

We all feel overwhelmed at times. Things will be better tomorow :hugs


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks inchworm!

I just made myself go down to the basement and straighten it up. When I went down to the cold room (an awesome room in our basement that is made out of concrete and it is like so nice and cool in there) I purposely left the lights on knowing that would drive me crazy. This way when I went down to turn them off, I would clean it all up.

Now I am going to go visit my gosling and take them some straw to put down in the free dog house my friend brought me yesterday. It is so cute it is painted blue and it has a red metal roof. The gosling are loving it. I get scared because I go to check on them and can't see them and so I said, "Tweedley, tweedley dee and dum" and they poke their heads out. :love


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
It rained, it rained, it rained!!!!! I didn't have to water the trees!!!! I was so tired last night, we put a water tank on the 4-wheeler last night and dh drove and I used the hose to water. It was late and I couldn't see the trees so I was feeling around with my hands and trying to find them that way. I am so glad it rained, did I say that already???

I got my BBS Orp eggs yesterday and they are in the incubator with the 7 duck eggs that looked. I had to throw away several of the duck eggs as I had taken them off a nest that the momma was inconsisently sitting on and they weren't good. I am delivering a dozen duck hatching eggs in the morning before church. Then in the afternoon the 2 Swedish hens and 1 Swedish drakes are going to live at my friend's house. I am so glad, they won't stay in the pen and I am tired of chasing them. That just leaves me with five. Much better.

My garden looks awesome, all except my asparagus which refuses to come up. I am starting to get discouraged with it. It should have sprouted after three weeks I would think.

We rented the tractor today to smooth that huge dirt pile down to fill the big tunnels in the pasture. We also filled the form for the kid's swimming pool. I love, love, love to swim and so I will be in that baby as much if not more than them. We will plant grass in the pasture and that will be much better.

Expanded the geese pen and I have decided that it seems the post hole driver gets heavier with each post. I love those geese, they follow me all over the place and are so friendly. I still put them in the shop at night and when I open the gate to the the outside pen they just follow me to the pen.


Power Conserver
May 25, 2009
Reaction score
I planted my garden in the rain last week. Today it is snowing. The 7th of June, we are usually around 80 by now. Oh well, it didn't freeze, and the drought is over.

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