Bitter vicious cold wind chill today. It did get up above freezing at mid day. But, oh so cold!!! Going to be cold this week, expecting some single digit nights, then warming up next week, with night time temps down to 20.
We had nice weather for the last few days - flooding all over the place. My sister has 40 acres along the Milwaukee River and her lower 2 fields are completely flooded - which is normal because they are in the flood plain. However, the water is 1/2 way up their stairs going up the hill which makes the water over 6 feet deep - that is more than normal.
We had Dana Lake show up out in out field. Just one area floods, and typically only in the spring as we have fairly sandy soils. However, this year the field across the street has flooded, the road is partially flooded over about 1/2 mile away and the River is still frozen over, so the runoff is flowing along the banks of the river in the floodplain areas. The main channel of the river is still solid ice as of this morning, looks lkike you could run a snowmobile down it still.
Great maple syrup making weather - for those that do it. Temps in the 40's during the day and below freezing at night. Those that are not flooded out and can get to their trees are going to have a bumper crop year of sap, thats for sure. Our syrup source is only going to boil down 3 gallons this year - normally he makes 5 gallons, but he still has a gallon left from last year. I guess we need to use more syrup ...
I have one 9 degree night next week it says and otherwise I'm out of the single digits too! By the end of next week temps above freezing at night! They are calling for snow tomorrow though, boo.
Our last frost is SCHEDULED for 4/19. This corresponds to moon cycles. Based on moon cycles, I can expect a full moon in mid May, but should be in the clear after that. We are supposed to see temps in 40's tomorrow, rain tonight through tomorrow. Good snow eating weather. But, flood risks accompany that.