We had a bit of snow earlier and the bigger town, about 20 miles away, had a heavy hail shower while I was there earlier. Apparently we're having some polar mass coming down over us this week.
rain/snow showers today. I work in the area with rain showers, but 20 miles north where I live it is snow showers. Not getting much moisture at work so hopefully, not much is falling north of here either.
Temps for this weekend are forecast to be in the lower 60's.
It was 29 with wind chill here this AM. THIRD time in a week we have had -30 in AM! Heavy frosts...one morning ice on troughs I'm over this crap -- wish the weather would get on into Spring.
Along with 25-30 mph winds and temps in 30s, we had rain. Cold rain!! Geesh. I've checked my calendar & phone -- it DOES say it's April! Feb was warmer here.
We got a dusting of snow last night. It was sprinkling rain when we went to bed, but, it was 30 degrees out. Left the house for work and found a dusting of snow in the grass around the barn. Nothing near the house, but all around the barn.