Rest in Peace 1980-2020
@Beekissed thanks! This sounds like something I may try, if I can get hold of the right type of corn!
@Beekissed thanks! This sounds like something I may try, if I can get hold of the right type of corn!
I love pickles, so I probably will If I can find the right type of corn for starters, I may give this a shot and let you know. It sounds like something I'll enjoy as I love corn.You'll love it! If you like kraut or pickles, you'll love pickled corn. Let me know if you do it and how you like it.
@Beekissed Do you think an Indian corn would work for the pickled corn? I hear it is good as sweet corn, not too sweet and nutty flavored. I hope to get enough growing this year to be able to eat it as sweet corn - so far been trying to increase my seed bank. That one small handful of corn kernels that my friend gave me is now (2) one gallon bags of seed. I have eaten it raw at milk stage and I like it that way.
Can you imagine pulling out an ear of blue pickled corn and eating for lunch at work? That would get some conversations going.
Bee, the crock pot I salvaged from the town dump ended up being a dud. But, it had a nice ceramic crock (?6 qt?) with a plexiglass lid. I've saved the crock, knowing that I will eventually find a use for it. Would it be large enough to use as a crock for salt brined pickles? Got any other suggestions for how to repurpose that crock?