Awesome on the sight words @tortoise, if he enjoys that keep doing it! My daughter never liked flashcards or anything so that would have been torture for her, lol
DD1 can read really well now. She can read my Storeys Guide to Dairy Goats! She loves to read to the baby. It's awesome.
DD2 is a smiley, laughing little thing. She is growing so fast!
Since DD1 can read and she's still technically supposed to be in preschool, I have not been cracking down on the schooling. I got out a whole bunch of "first grade" stuff for the fall, but might start sooner.
We have a list of projects for DH and DD to do together once the weather warms up. I want them to build a couple bat houses, we want a couple bee hives so they are ready next spring... They'll be busy!
Took Aliza on a weekend to the mountains, participated in an invasive weed pull at the local nature center, then took her to my sister's farm to see all the animals. Had a GREAT time traveling with this little sweety and seeing her discover new things.
Ball game tonight for my BF's son. I'm claiming him as "my kid" because he's too stinking cute and sweet not to I won't see him for another week and a half. He's going to the beach and won't be around this weekend I miss him already.