El Presidente de Pollo
The Australorps will be your best bet then.....
Of the breeds listed the White Rock is your heaviest, best egg laying, broodiest and most all around hardy genetics for a homesteader with the Black Aussie coming in at a close second.Basically, I want to end up with good combo mutt chickens, not real skinny while growing (I see jersy giants don't fill out until they get older, so those are out), good egg laying, tendancy toward broodiness & decent foragers.
The broodiness isn't as important, as I can get a bantum or two to raise babies for me, if none of the other ladies are inclined.
Well, temperament and growth rate and "meatiness" you can judge for yourself, and it's much better to go with what your eyes tell you than with breed averages (since different lines can be pretty different, and all that really matters is what your particular ones are like)I have speckled sussex, a single rhode island red, buckeyes, barred rocks and then there are 2 breeds that are up in the air. The white ones could either be white rocks or white cochins, the black ones could be jersey giants, black australorps or dark cornish.
Excellent!!noobiechickenlady said:Thanks guys!!!
Excellent info, exactly what I need
I do believe you all are correct, and I have white rocks. (Don't see how I missed the feathered feet on the cochins in the picture) They are indeed a bit meatier than the others on average (and I have one whitey who is huge and seems to be doing quite well!) And white rocks are indeed part of the CornishX genes. That crossed my mind. I think you are right on the RIR being part of the sex link lines too, Bee.
The barred seem to be the meanest of the bunch, they grab hold like a pit bull & shake their little beaks. Grrrr!Nice for hen protection, but they'd need some rooster soccer for sure! Don't think I'll keep any of these fellas.
DH says he doesn't like the sussex "They're ugly as sin." was his exact words. So okay, didn't get too many of them anyways and they seem to be on the bottom of the pecking order.
Hmmmm, I think I'll end up keeping Heavy (the white rock) and a buckeye or two.
Thanks again!!