City Biddy
Me too! Spending all the time I did with Grandma Nettie was probably MY inoculation into the world of self sufficiency. I grew up in big city the late 60's and there was Grandma Nettie making her own lye soap, sausages, cleaning birds and beasts that Grandpa had hunted and doing endless loads of laundry on her Maytag wringer washer. (Which I got to keep as my own last year.valmom said:Love these sorts of things too. My paternal grandparents were dirt poor and did things so "old fashioned" that it appalled my mother when we visited. I loved it! The woodburning cook stove, the hand made bread daily (OK, not the hand-rolled cigarettes my grandfather made and smoked and killed himself with). Teeny house, lots of uncles, lots of cool stuff, primitive "bathroom" (that appalled my mother, too). I think I inherited the gut-level knowlege that things don't have to be done in the modern style from my grandmother.