What did you do in your garden today?


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
What do you use to keep rabbits out of your strawberry patch? We are heavy in rabbits this year.

we have an old fence around the main vegetable gardens - it mostly does work for rabbits but it is the wrong kind of fence. the bunnies don't know that if they just go up a few feet they can get through. we have had some rabbits get through and have had to chase them out of the gardens or catch their little ones. i hunt rabbits here (sadly) if they are inside or outside the fence. the poles for this old fence are very cheap ones and are beginning to fall over.

we have other 6ft fencing which i've put up more recently but it does not completely enclose the yard or the old garden so groundhogs and raccoons can still get in, plus they go in through the gaps in the gate. it's really only good at keeping deer out.

longer term if i stay here i'll fence the entire area i'd like to have done with the 6ft fencing and some good t-posts and be done with it. i'm tired of the deer doing the damage and also having to worry about deer ticks and in the process this would also mean the rabbits and groundhogs should be kept out and perhaps it would also cut down on raccoons bothering to get in. they can climb but perhaps they won't enjoy the trip and would do less of it.

at present i don't even bother to grow sweet corn or other types of corn due to raccoons shredding everything. they leave most other plants alone for the most part other than sometimes going after the roots of potted starts from the greenhouse where they've used fishy smelling fertilizers. they don't eat the plants they just think there's something good for them to eat down there and dig it up looking. you'd think onions would be safe but the onion starts we used to plant outside the fence we now plant inside because of the raccoons uprooting them.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Raccoons and ground hogs can climb, so maybe a strand of hot wire?

makes no sense for our current situation. they can just walk in from another direction or get in other ways.

if/when i get the chance i'll upgrade the fence with the kind that actually works and then if they bother climbing that i can put a hot wire on it. i'll gain about 3/4 of the yard (many hundreds of square feet of fully enclosed garden spaces) by doing this and it will be much easier overall. i can use the old fencing for pole bean trellises or peas.

Chic Rustler

Super Self-Sufficient
May 10, 2017
Reaction score
pulled some qeeds and harvest squash. that volunteer watermelon is taking over. kale looks great!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 14, 2022
Reaction score
SW, Michigan - Zone 6a
Well, in pain but did some work. Finished the tomatoes last given and now I have 11 tomato plants down and 15 bell peppers plants. Hub put 2 t-posts at either side of each row. Wondering whether use twine or wire to make the trellises. 20220612_093040.jpg
The Sweet Spanish onions were still there this morning, 🤣

Used pine needles to mulch around the outside of the garden. I also covered a part where I wanted to plant sweet corn but might wait until next season.
After reading here, might need to up that safety net to a fence with t-posts at about 7ft tall to detter animals. I do not know how to hunt animals. I do like deer but don't want them around on fear of a predator after them that might go better for an easy chicken meal. Rabbits, I think I would not dear to eat.
Had a buny in the backyard this morning doing a strait walk towards the garden. But left my mini dog out and she ran the darn animal out of the property,lol Hub came out of bathroom asking what was going on and I told him to get the dog from the front of the house where she ran after a rabbit,lol That made my coffee taste better with a few chuckles,lol

And of course, had a full blossom on a chicken garden, 😆