What did you do in your garden today?

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Hang in there @Dreamz ! IT IS hard work to garden!!! Benefits are great when you have a good year. 😊. It takes little to make you happy -- one great tomato! 🤣

If this is first year garden, harder. But everything you get is a positive. Don't feel failure because even best gardeners have troubles. There's always "next year" a gardeners favorite phrase. 🤭


Almost Self-Reliant
May 14, 2022
Reaction score
SW, Michigan - Zone 6a
Hang in there @Dreamz ! IT IS hard work to garden!!! Benefits are great when you have a good year. 😊. It takes little to make you happy -- one great tomato! 🤣

If this is first year garden, harder. But everything you get is a positive. Don't feel failure because even best gardeners have troubles. There's always "next year" a gardeners favorite phrase. 🤭
It is my first year. Moved here in November 2020. Summer of 2021 all went towards chickens. Coop, run, winterizing... a real mess as first timer chicken owner. We had when growing up but mom was in charge, not me. I was sent to the best school to make sure I learned the best. All my books were in English except my Spanish books. However, nobody spoke English back at home. So, I learned to think in English first even when my first language was Spanish. Had a rough life like everyone does but I met my Lord again. I always knew about Him but never had a personal relationship until 2009. So, He showed me His creation and fell in love with it. Go to the city because I have to. Love the darkness, the quiet, the different noises of birds,frogs,tractors that are working the land. This fills me. I am content with what I have and sometimes I even give because that He puts in me. Hub is the complete opposite of me in everything which at times it frustrates me to the point that I get on my truck and just drive through my State and get peace looking at farms and lands. Nothing like a country road!
I do not eat vegetables but I feed the chickens and the hub with them . I never had a green thumb but I depend on God's green thumb. All my inside plants die except green onions,lol I guess it's because I only put water when the cup is empty,lol However, I want to learn and be able to work the land and see His glory.

It is a lot of work but I am willing to give it what I have even the little that I have left. Next year will depend on Him. If I see it, I will do. If not, at least I tried. Sorry if I went over. I try to be an open book always. It does not takes away but it does helps me to keep learn and keep my values which nobody can take away from me unless I give them away. You are all teaching me so much so far. I am so honored and blessed to have you all


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
That is right! Your soil looks like sand just like mine.

Honestly, I have not gone to read on that link. But here are my beloved walmart green onions from a month ago on just purified water,lol Their roots are about 3 inches long. If I put them in soil, they die,o_O

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Also found out that we are pregnant,lol Well 4 of my chicken eggs. 16 more days and will have peeps.
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I also found a flower on one of my 11 plants. One better than none,lol
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My cilantro is doing great!
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Yep it's silty clay loom on top, it tills nice and fluffy. Since mine was plowed deep with a 14" moldboard. The layer of black top soil is now at the bottom and what was under the top soil is on top. So far the soil is doing a good job, I'm pretty happy with it. I can tell when the plants find the top soil that's underneath the silty loom because they kick growth into high gear. I think silty loom could use some lime though, the weeds are starting to get out of hand. Hard telling what kind of seed bank was brought to the surface, I'm pulling a few weeds I never seen before. Nasty one's with thorns 🙄

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
I am primarily fighting grass!!! Only a couple weed types....once a pasture, always a pasture :lol: :lol: it was lovingly encouraged. Paying for it now but, I'm thinking we're reaching an understanding. 👍 Still showing appreciation for the ground, just growing different things! I could have killed it out first but I don't use those chemicals. Instead, till and rake. Repeat. Repeat...😬

Today I hope to work and plant another couple hundred feet of corn. Going for my rolled bale's of straw is hoped but, may be a tomorrow thing. 🤔 Want it down before Wed/Thu rains. 🤞 Only have enough old hay mulch to do the next rows of green beans I'm adding by first ones.

Right now, this garden is big and the more I plant, the bigger it seems to grow...like I haven't planted at all. :idunno when will it end?! o_O. Dreams were too big. 😁🤣😔🤫


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Thanks. Wish I had been able to do more. I am so old and tired and blind at this gardening stuff,lol You all are amazing!

we all had to start somewhere too. :) it takes time to build up stamina and past injuries (or present ones) do present challenges. finding ways to work around things and being flexible enough, like knowing when to take a break or finding others to help or whatever it takes.

yesterday i was so hoping to have a garden done with being weeded and prepped and planting but by midday my feet were aching and i was done so that was it until later when i went back out and scraped for a few minutes to finish up the last 10 square feet that i'm not going to finish digging. it would have taken me another two or perhaps three hours to get those dug up and gone through (it hasn't rained in a long time so the ground is hard to dig and breaking up those clumps of clay and getting all the quack grass roots out of there takes time). scraping takes about 10 minutes in comparison but then the grass will keep coming back again and then spreads further so it's a certain trade-off between putting the time in now and not having as much work later or knowing i'll be back again to digging it again, but i'm hoping at least by that time my feet will not be injured.

a good hot weather project is also a part of it too in that i need to screen some gravel from the dirt along that edge. but first i need to get this garden planted so i can move on to other projects.

nature is giving me a break this morning with these very much needed and appreciated rains.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 14, 2021
Reaction score
USDA growing zone 4a/4b
Watered this morning! We have a ripe pepper, tomato and the peas are on the vines! Pepper I got at Home Depot as my starts didn't do well.


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Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
Makes me wonder! Hub got me a burpees bag of seed of "Oregon Sugar Pod II". I have no clue what they are. It also says "pea". I only like the Sweet peas in a can,lol wonder if I can grow them.View attachment 19268

Sugar pods are an edible pod pea. More for salad but you can just cook the whole thing. Don't wait for the peas to be huge. Just swelling the side of the flat pod decently.

Hubby doesn't care a whole lot for them because he'd never had any until he came out here. Had to have been early 80s when we first saw the seed in the stores for the original Oregon Sugar Pod. Mom and Grandma both liked them because you got more food out of it. Still grew garden peas, though.

When you pinch off the stem end, pull down the seam on the flat side and any string will come off. It's usually little to none.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Pulled first garlic that my wife ran over it's top hat with the lawn mower. When I pulled it I noticed several little garlics attached to it's roots. I pulled them off and put them back in the hole where I pulled the garlic from and covered with dirt. I guess that was the right thing to do? Waiting on the leaves on the others to dry out before I pull those.


Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸

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