What did you do in your garden today?


Almost Self-Reliant
May 14, 2022
Reaction score
SW, Michigan - Zone 6a
Is this normal?

I know there is a lot of grass to take out. I have been taking it out around the beds. I am going to put boxes over them ti kill them. Too much work for me.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
@Dreamz is what normal? :)

we use big chunks of cardboard in multiple layers to smother things. overlap the layers by a foot or so. then we put wood chips or some other mulch on top. if you want to be really sure of things not coming back up again you can use weed barrier fabric, but i usually don't as i'm happy to move the mulch aside and replace the cardboard a few times if i have to instead (the cardboard will usually last at least one season for us). eventually the worms eat the cardboard and eventually the mulch breaks down and becomes humus which is useful for gardens.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Is this normal?
View attachment 19699
View attachment 19700

I know there is a lot of grass to take out. I have been taking it out around the beds. I am going to put boxes over them ti kill them. Too much work for me.
Besides for the lettuce starting to bolt and the lawn chair being all catawampus. I don't see anything "abnormal".

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va
For head lettuce, you don't take off bottom leaves. You cut the whole head off of the stem. The getting taller is because you are taking off bottom leaves... so there is more stem than what you would normally see. It won't be long that there will be a "flower stem" as it "bolts" and goes to seed.
Your lettuce looks like a "buttercrunch" type which makes a loose head as opposed to something like "iceberg" types that make a tight head.

I think you are doing great with the gardening project for being a "newbie". KUDOS to you.

Good luck with the LEGAL WRANGLING... it is all just a bunch of aggravating BS... and the lawyers make out in it, no matter what.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
So I would very much like frozen onion rings. But... My wife is busy with other things onion at the present time. When she's done then comes tomatoes and peppers and -HOPFULLY- green beans. My Wife said "you want onion rings, you're just gonna have to make them yourself, sorry but I don't have the time". I'm not much of a cook honesty and she has the kitchen tied up. Plus a man needs to choose his battles wisely... Onion rings is not a hill worth dying on. But I still would really like onion rings.

So I went to my neighbor and said I have a problem... I would really like frozen onion rings, so I could grab some out of the freezer and toss them into a frypan with some hot lard and enjoy. But my wife is wide open in the kitchen with onions right now. I don't know how to do them. She oh bring them onions over and I'll show you how, we can do them together. She sent me back home with huge cookie sheet she said it was bakery sheet and asked me if it would fit in my freezer. I tried it and yep it sure fits in the upright freezer and I can even close the door.

So later this evening, I'm going to be making onion rings with my neighbor and his wife. They insisted on not taking any, 0/100, but I insisted on doing 50/50. Then they said how about 25/75?, I said the way I see it 25/75 is not considered being a good neighbor in the Holy Bible. And that ended the debate. I still think I have a valid moral stance for 50/50 but we'll see how it goes... I'm taking onions that are a lb or more, at least 10 lbs from the first pull to make rings. I have a lot more in the garden growing still, that aren't ready to be pulled just yet.

It's true, I love my wife and I kind of feel I may have overwhelmed her a bit. "Make them yourself" was the hint, I love sassy😍

But she's the one who wrote out the list of things to grow in the garden this year, I just made it happen. So what's a guy to do? I guess it's eat what you can, can what you can't. I have a sneaking suspicion we are having a big ole pot of onion soup for supper tonight 😋

She's already froze tops for broth, froze bags of diced, water bathed pints of pickled onions and pressure canned pints of caramelized onions and she still has 6 out of 10 braids to go 😘. IDK just yet... but when is sneak some onions onto your neighbors porch day? I may need that when I pull the second round.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Almost Self-Reliant
May 14, 2022
Reaction score
SW, Michigan - Zone 6a
I think it is buttercrunch. The head lettuce is growing but nothing yet.
I took most of it out and yes, some had like a flower growing.

Are there seeds in this flower? Maybe I shouldn't had cut it?

I just rinsed this whole bunch after mowing an acre all morning.
Hey, my catawampus chair still works,lol I have clothes to wear outside, so it does the work to hold this old lady some,lol

Yes, grass, what about grass? Oh, yes, more of that crap. One day, just one day. Took only 30 min break this morning to let all the animals out. Hub left at 7am, dog at 8am with me and then the quackies and just 6 hens that are very disciplined. I mowed the front of the house and they do not go out front. Then when I sat down, I let the rooster and his family out for a bit. What a circus!
But, all the animals are back inside,including me and the hub who is blowing the front and putting back the solar lights,lol

Yes the legal part was a bummer. But me thinking, he was always asking for more. Now there are no stimulus check, so he wants to milk this cow. Not gonna happen. I will go to another country if I need to. I speak Spanish. No problema in Central or South America 🤔
Lawyers did not help. It started with divorce in FL. He moved to TX and opened a case without moving FL to TX. Then moved to OR and never closed the TX. So, when TX is trying to garnish, I said no.I cannot live on 452.00 a month. He is getting 350.00 under my SSN. So I do not know any trustworthy lawyer in FL. Had no choice to do it myself with the help of the Lord

Ok, you guys got more harvesting than needed. I try to live like an open book. I accept my wrongs and try to live a do-good life as possible.

Now trying to figure out where am I going to drop all that lettuce,lol


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
@Dreamz , I was under the impression that you were pretty new to this farming/gardening thing. Sorry... I meant no disrespect. I was just going by the questions. I think the plants have all looked pretty good.
I've been gardening for decades and I consider myself a newbie. Every season I learn some new things to try and even more things to never do again. For me I can study all I want. But nothing counts for anything unless there's dirt under my fingernails.

This year I learned.

1) how to make cheap homemade nitrogen fertilizer.

2) That Yukon gold potatoes like to be in drier soil than Georgia Jet Sweet Potatoes do.

3) How to start my own sweet potato slips right in the garden. The question is will those slips that got a late start make sweet potatoes? I'm pretty sure they will. Perhaps not as big as the early planted parents. But if they are big enough for supper I'll be very happy.

4) ideas on how to start sweet potatoes for slips in the late winter indoors. I'll probably make a bunch of mistakes the first few times. But that's OK, that's how I learn best. But the goal is to never purchase sweet potato slips again. I was shocked how expensive they are, yet seems so simple to start your own.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
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