What did you do in your garden today?


Almost Self-Reliant
May 14, 2022
Reaction score
SW, Michigan - Zone 6a
@Dreamz , I was under the impression that you were pretty new to this farming/gardening thing. Sorry... I meant no disrespect. I was just going by the questions. I think the plants have all looked pretty good.
It is my first time. I didn't got offen. Just thought that a newbi6was somewhat knowledgeable, lol I am in clothe diapers,lol


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
12 onions, yielded a little more than 17 1/2 lbs of good rings. Made 7 1/2 big cookie sheet layers sperated by wax paper. We browned up a few in bacon grease. They are very good and I'm very happy 😁 Since I'm guy who gets to bag them I get to make sure it's a 50/50 deal 👍 Simple batter with egg/milk wash and then into a bowl of mixed flour/corn starch/salt. Slicing and seperating the rings was the hardest part.

Going to let them freeze until tomorrow evening and bag them in gallon ziplock baggies and stick them in the freezer.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va
@CrealCritter ... I am a very plain food "cooker"... please explain exactly what is a simple egg/milk wash and the proportions of the batter... I like onion rings but have never made them for myself. They are a "treat" for me to eat on occasion. It would be neat to have some of my own in the freezer. I freeze things very plain and like the taste of most foods without alot of stuff added... don't like broccoli with cheese sauce or things like that... I like the flavor of the broccoli with a little butter, salt and pepper.
But I do like onion rings. I hardly ever eat any FF anymore... just don't eat alot of "deep fried" type food.

Worked on getting the grass and weeds around the "hills" of the vining plants cut down and some mulch hay down since my DS finally dropped off the small roll of hay from a hayfield where it never got picked up last year to feed out. It is a late cutting and so falls apart pretty easy too. Got several feet out from the butternut squash, and the cucumbers done, and the vines spread back out from moving them gently to get them out of the way. Then the battery on the weed eater died as I got the half of the area around the melons done and will try to get the rest done tomorrow. Then I will work on getting the rest of the area between the hills laid down and covered.

Got my first cucumber and picked another half dozen yellow squash.
Garden is not as good as it could have been if I had had a little more help from my DS back when I asked for it. But, It is alot more than not having a garden at all.

Time for some supper....


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
@CrealCritter ... I am a very plain food "cooker"... please explain exactly what is a simple egg/milk wash and the proportions of the batter... I like onion rings but have never made them for myself. They are a "treat" for me to eat on occasion. It would be neat to have some of my own in the freezer. I freeze things very plain and like the taste of most foods without alot of stuff added... don't like broccoli with cheese sauce or things like that... I like the flavor of the broccoli with a little butter, salt and pepper.
But I do like onion rings. I hardly ever eat any FF anymore... just don't eat alot of "deep fried" type food.

Worked on getting the grass and weeds around the "hills" of the vining plants cut down and some mulch hay down since my DS finally dropped off the small roll of hay from a hayfield where it never got picked up last year to feed out. It is a late cutting and so falls apart pretty easy too. Got several feet out from the butternut squash, and the cucumbers done, and the vines spread back out from moving them gently to get them out of the way. Then the battery on the weed eater died as I got the half of the area around the melons done and will try to get the rest done tomorrow. Then I will work on getting the rest of the area between the hills laid down and covered.

Got my first cucumber and picked another half dozen yellow squash.
Garden is not as good as it could have been if I had had a little more help from my DS back when I asked for it. But, It is alot more than not having a garden at all.

Time for some supper....
We sliced the about 1/2 thick. Used a hair pick of all things to get the knife spacing right. The onions were too big to get in my neighbor's slicer. Let me get the exacto recipe ingredients for you. It's easy, a lot easier than I thought it would be and was really good fried in some bacon grease.

Edit @farmerjan

Onion rings for two large onions

We peeled and cut the onions into 1/2 wide slices and seperated the rings. The small inner rings we diced and put in the freezer for later cooking. The tops also went into the freezer for broth later. The bottoms we tossed.

Ina bowl the egg wash is one egg and one cup of milk, whisk together well.

In a nother bowl, the breading is one cup all purpose flour, one tsp baking powder and one tsp salt, whisk together well.

take some rings and put them in the egg wash, make sure all the rings get soaked.

then place the ring into the breading make sure it gets well coated.

then place the ring on wax paper on a cookie sheet.

Repeat until your done.

Fresh onions have a nice firm ring so you can wash and bread multiple rings at the same time without breaking them. Just make sure the rings are not touching when you place them on the cookie sheet. It's ok to put smaller rings inside larger rings as long as they don't touch.

When you are done place the cookie sheet with stacked layers of rings seperated by wax paper into the freezer. Allow to freeze overnight, then bag and freeze. They probably flash freeze for restaurants but we don't have a flash freezer.

Three of us did 17 1/2 lbs of rings in an hour. It's easy.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
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Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Got my first cucumber and picked another half dozen yellow squash.
Garden is not as good as it could have been if I had had a little more help from my DS back when I asked for it. But, It is alot more than not having a garden at all.

sometimes you just have to cut your losses and accept what happens with gardening and that is one of the lessons that people who have really well defined jobs may never experience, an exercise in being practical, not wasting time chasing the last %10 using 90% more time, etc.

Time for some supper....
