Almost Self-Reliant
I plant in my chicken poo filled greenhouse (they get the greenhouse all winter) ..... for the greenhouse i do a deep full soak about 3 times. Then I plant only seedlings and the seedlings get planted in "clean" dirt (poo free whatever, usually compost). I usually use a 4 inch diameter hole.So all the goodness in my chicken run (dirt, broken down wood chips, decomposed grass and leaves, and chopped straw), it has been in there almost a year can I add it to my gardens this spring or is it still considered too hot? I will be doing a clean out at the end of March/early April and wondering if it go directly mixed in to the beds or if it needs to cook some more?
I bought seeds starter and dug out the trays of cellsstarting some tomatoes, squash and melons in about 2 weeks. Cold sowing peas this weekend.
My Oma (my dad's mom) with her huge garden, would have me clean out the chicken coop which was poo and straw, and place it directly on the paths between the rows. So yes, we walked on chicken poo hay.