Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
Set up containers & planted garlic! Just 1 yr late 

I'm so OCD about how my dishes are washed and rinsed. It carries over to the way they're put away too. Spot cleaning I have tried I have about 10 minutes of patience for it and then I am done. My problem isn't necessarily being lazy it's just not having the energy, desire or space to clean it the way I want it but I keep telling myself to get up off my azz and get it done because I know that if I don't it will not be done right.i spot clean. that means i clean in spots. also means that i am spotted and clean and also if there is a dog named Spot i'm also probably going to clean that too... if i can get started on it then i will go about a half hour before finding some reason to do something else or get called away to help on something else or whatever other distraction that i can drum up.
on the whole though, i am not a tidy person but when it comes down to doing dishes and cleaning up i really hate it when it isn't done well and in the proper order. Mom puts everything in the sink and i end up taking it all out of the sink again because i like doing things in a certain order.OCD stuff i guess. lol it's good we can laugh about it most of the time.
That's definitely a big momma aloe vera plant.. Thank you for the pictures of herI brought big momma aloe vera inside yesterday for first frost advisory. Yes there was frost this morning at sunrise. We are under frost warning tonight FB said low of 28 to 29F overnight. I'll wheel big momma out tomorrow for some more sunshine. I've given every one who visists one of her babies. Then she'll fill the empty spot with more babiesI have #25 (25 gallon) pot with rope handles, I'm gonna transplant her in this winter.
Here's what big momma looked like in her new pot mid march 2022.
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Picture from yesterday eve, big momma on the right facing the floor. All the rest are her babies. She's done grown plum crazy and trying to escape. I can no longer pick up the pot, have to use a dolly. But atleast she and her babies are warm and safe from frost.
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Jesus is Lord and Christ![]()
I'm going to relay that info to my kids. They don't spend enough time outside because they live in apartments so they burn very easily.Aloe is good for many things & we think of it for sunburn. But on a trip to the Islands years ago, a native there told me to use it BEFORE the sun exposure and you won't burn. He was right!