Out to pasture
I love chanterelles. It won't be mushroom time here til after the first rain. I am hoping FIL will take me out and show me some of his spots. But he usually doesn't feel like doing much these days. 
big brown horse said:What did you use to cut up your wood Ladychef2k?
Went mushroom hunting on my land and found about $15 worth of chanterelles!! Mushroom soup coming up!
That is terrible! I am always scared that the chain is going to snap and fly toward my face. I am also scared that I might cut off my toes. They realy scare me, but I still want one! I've rented them before (during hurricane season in TX) and I know how to use one, but they still scare me.FarmerChick said:be careful on the chainsaw.
my neighbor ( a young guy with a new baby daughter) works for the county and they were sent out to cut trees down around the roadsides etc. Well he was using a chainsaw for a quick cut and it backlashed on him somehow and cut him across the chest. From the collarbone down his front to his side. Nasty. But being young of course he has recovered fast. BUT they said if up like 3 inches into his neck would have been in severe trouble.
Oh my I hate and love chainsaws.
I hate and love circular saws.
I hate and love band saws.
but all that cutting sure gives me the willies sometimes. just the thought of what can happen...UGH
(PS: I despise working with electricity also. *shivers* LOL
Yikes!!Ldychef2k said:I have transcribed ER reports in the past where the saw has cut into a calf or an arm or severed a digit. Believe me, I have an intense respect for their destructive abilities. But things don't get done if you let fear govern you, so I use caution and common sense. No other way to get firewood !