What do you know about ADD?

Jan 24, 2009
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Ldy I know you don't like me cause you've said so. However there's nothing wrong with your postings. If you feel strongly about something then let it out. Use your freedom of speech while you got it. Don't couch your posting in falsehoods though If it's political just say so. I'm not allowed to express my opinions on this forum so I hate to see somebody voluntarily bow out. We're all adults here. Most of us can handle it. Stick around. The world would be a real boring place if we all thought the same.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Ldychef2k said:
One of the manifestations of ADD in my life is the inability to recognize certain social cues. It has been a very distressing thing for me all my life. As a child, I was punished frequently for saying and doing the most embarrassing things...like walking up to my dentist and reaching out and ruffling his shiny black hair!

Generally what happens is that I enter a group, either in real life or online, and after a time I THINK I understand the dynamics...but in reality my perception is skewed. I believe that I am communicating clearly, but the content of my communications is based on an altered understanding. The way my brain goes from Point A to Point B is completely different from the way others reason. And I end up being inappropriate, frustrated, angry and embarrassed.

This has happened a couple of times here at SS. Each time, I have taken a break for a few days, once for a month, until I had the courage to try communicating again. I know that no one has a clue about this struggle, and that it seems perhaps silly or petulent. But I assure you, it is a serious, ongoing and debilitating social issue for me.

That said, I wish to apologize for the misunderstanding I created in another thread. I am aware that I have somehow been inappropriate, but I don't understand how. What I said and how I titled the thread made perfect sense to me, but I irritated so many people that I realize I have missed a cue again. That is VERY difficult for me, and I feel terrible about it. I simply do not know what I did wrong, and why the post and it's subject line were such a problem. In my mind, I spoke the truth and did try not to make it controversial. I had JUST learned the information I posted, and I was, and am, scared to death by it. The responses were kind of shocking, and they caused me to realize that I had once again missed something. I just don't know what.

These things happen frequently to me, and I have not been able to correct the behavior. My reasoning seems to make sense to me, while it offends many others, and I can't seem to discern the difference.

ADD is very difficult, an insidious and destructive disorder. It has cansed me to spend long periods of time in isolation simply to avoid the feelings I am feeling right now--confusion and humiliation. Please know that these feelings come solely from inside myself, and that no one causes them but me.

All that said, since this disconnect has occurred several times in the past months here at SufficientSelf (even though no one but me probably noticed it), I have decided to suspend posting. As soon as I post this, I will change my password to some kind of gobbledygook that I will not be able to remember. Thus, I will be able to read what you all post, but I cannot post and thus cannot embarrass myself.

You all have so much to offer, and I am selfishly going to glean from you as a lurker. I do not trust myself to post in a clearly understood and inoffensive fashion.
My son has this problem, to some degree, so I feel your pain and frustration. At least you realize something is wrong, as he cannot see it and won't believe he has a problem.

Please stay here. At least you admit you can't read social cues, there are many on these forums who can't seem to do this and won't admit they got all huffy for no apparent reason.

It takes many kinds of people to make a community and all have a reason for being here, all can teach us something.....I, for one, saw nothing wrong in your political thread~and I HATE politics! :sick

You merely expressed what many people are concerned about right now and I feel badly that you were slapped for that. Should have never happened! Just a little crossed communication, I imagine.

I think you very bravely exposed yourself and your fears to us and I want you to know there are many folks out here who feel the same way but weren't able to make a comment upon it before the thread was locked. Incidentally, this is all I can say about that, as the rules say we cannot discuss or question a locked thread. :rolleyes:

Stick around.....we have much to learn from each other and everyone comes to the table with their own baggage! ;)


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
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I will not even mention how many tries and figuring out my gobbledygook password it took before I got back in.

Okay, here's the thing. I hate that what I said and did made such a fuss. I am sorry for both things, and I am grateful for the enormous kindess shown by you all.

I have been miserable all day. Morose and pouty and eating bad food uncontrollably. Self destructive behavior is oh so becoming, isn't it? I finally decided that when I am THIS unsettled, I have made a wrong choice. (I should have listened on my wedding day, too...a story for another time!) Anyway, ---SQUIRREL---

I probably ought to do the right thing and go through each response and PM and make comments to the individuals who were so generous, but I dont' think I could manage that kind of organization, so please forgive me. Every post spoke to me in a very precise and effective way.

Thank you all for being so understanding and forgiving. I feel like a complete idiot, of course, but this time I am not going to run away. That's my pattern, in case you haven't noticed !

Okay, let's hit rewind and start over....

So---did you hear about the jail time for no insurance deal? :plbb
Jan 24, 2009
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If you don't have coverage you will have to pay an additional tax. If you willfully evade that tax then they could in theory prosecute you and put you in jail. Same thing that could theoretically happen if you willfully evade your taxes. If you only make 15k a year than you will qualify for free insurance. I'm happy for you.


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
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Well, I make between 15 and 20. But I don't WANT free insurance. Taking things from the government isn't part of my value system. I have only been able to afford health insurance for two out of the past 23 years. I either treat myself, or pay the bills off slowly. It took six years, but I paid off my heart attack hospitalization without insurance.

(I have worked in health care as a transcriptionist for 31 years, and have learned a lot. As well, two women in our family are registered nurses.)

Sorry, off topic.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Ahem. Maybe we're all ADD because we have gotten wildly off topic ;) Maybe we could start a new thread called "Get out of Jail Free" or something like that. Ladychef--Welcome back!!

Well, one update is that I now have authorization for the family/child therapist and the child psychiatrist. Yay!


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Lady, I am glad you are staying with us.....you are part of the family and would be sorely missed :)


Recycled Spunk
Dec 1, 2008
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me&thegals said:
Well, one update is that I now have authorization for the family/child therapist and the child psychiatrist. Yay!
That's great news! I hope that your progress continues!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
YIKES! I go to the lake for a day or two and almost lose Ldychef! I will stay home now ... I promise! SO glad you changed your mind! :hugs


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
Reaction score
You have it backwards....it was LDYCHEF who lost it....

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