Lovin' The Homestead
CJHames, Is the money that Obama has spent on bailing out the auto industry figured in that $1.7 trillion? With so many ways to spend our money I forgot if the auto bailout was seperate or combined with some other money that they have just piddled away.CJHames wrote:
Big Daddy wrote:
VT-Chicklit wrote:
The spending that has been done since Obama has been in office is larger than what was spent on those two wars and Katrina combined. Obama has only been in office about 6 weeks, just imagine how much he and the Congress can spend in the next two years, until we can get their attention with our votes! Our voices are certainly not being heard. What we are saying is being misunderstood. When people voted for hope and change they did not mean he should apoint familliar faces to the various cabinet posts. . .They did not mean he should have all kinds of tsars having power to make key changes and over see government agencies when these tsars are not veted by the Congress, like the cabinet is. . . We did not want more tax cheats and liars added to the large group we already pay in Washington. . . Change is not saying that there will be no lobbiests in my government (paraphrased) and then giving wavers to many that are "too knowledeable" to not be postd to key jobs. . . Change is not saying that legislation with earmarks will not be signed and then parseing the word "earmark" and parseing about when a piece of legislation was started in the Congressional process instead of when it will be signed into law! Many who were hopeing for "Hope and Change" are already seeing that the "Great One" is no better and no more truthful than those who came before him! It has only been about 6 weeks since he was sworn in and he has already put us in more debt than our government did during this countries first 200 years. I think that is quite an accomplishment. Unfortunatly, that accomplishment is not one that he should be proud of.
I may be wrong, but I think the war was at about 600 billion. The bailout for the wall street guys and the banks was 760 billion. That was before Obama took office. The stimulus plan is about 879 billion if I remember right. Might be off a few billion. The budget isn't passed yet. So far Bush is the leader.
It's really strange wearing the shoe on the other foot now.
We should get back to chickens.
Wrong board BD. No chickens here.
Techincally, Obama spent the last $350 billion of The No Bank Left Behind Act. Bush left it for him. He didn't have to spend it, but let the record show O spent it.
$350 billion for Wall Street
$470 billion for FY budget just passed
$879 billion for "stimulus" - lmbo - plan
= $1.7 trillion in 6 weeks.
Whew, that's gonna make all our children & grandchildren poor. And their grandchildren and ......