What is wrong with kids today - or What comes after TWO?


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Funny how they all have had the same parents and raising, but people are WHO they are from the moment they are born.

My kids, two years apart each and from the SAME daddy (I swear!) look nothing a like either.

First I am 5'9" with auburn (read mouse brown with red highlights) hair and algae (just the color of pond scum) eyes and hubby is 5'10", (use to be) dark black (now salt and pepper gray) hair and big dark brown eyes.

D1 Is tall ash blonde about 5'8" blue eyes, very slim trim athletic build (she was a sprinter in HS)

D2 Is 5'5" brown hair (when it is not colored other shades), hazel eyes, freckles everywhere built ... well like a Brat's doll very curvey petite framed.

S3 Is 6'2" (or so) 280 pounds (or so) DEEP very red hair, freckles, big blue eyes and just massive build. He wears a 14 1/2 extra wide shoe! He reminds you for all of the world of a Viking (which is entirely possible since that blood is on BOTH sides of the family)

The girls were one grade apart in school (due to birthdays) and sometimes had the same class in HS they were so different NO ONE would believe they were sisters. When they take geek son with them places everyone - first is scared of the big old softey geek and second thinks he is dating them!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
We have two little girls next door. The older, who is not yet three (baby #3 is on the way too!) is a shrieker. She shrieks with glee whenever she plays outside. The sound cuts through me like a knife. The parents never ask her not to do it and she doesn't do it when she's upset. It freaks my son out as well as the dogs. At our house shrieking means your arm's fallen off or you're on fire or something. I just can't quite get used to it.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Same here. No shrieking allowed unless you are spurting from an artery! Never could stand that and there is really no excuse for it at all.

I love hearing kids play, the louder the better....its when they get quiet that I get worried! :rolleyes:


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Beekissed said:
Same here. No shrieking allowed unless you are spurting from an artery! Never could stand that and there is really no excuse for it at all.

I love hearing kids play, the louder the better....its when they get quiet that I get worried! :rolleyes:
Agreed. I'm thankful that my son laughs hysterically when he's happy, NO shrieking!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
Yep, emergency only here too, broken or bleeding. "How else am I to know you are really injured?"

I equate it to "The boy who cried wolf" for them, too.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Beekissed wrote:
Same here. No shrieking allowed unless you are spurting from an artery! Never could stand that and there is really no excuse for it at all.

I love hearing kids play, the louder the better....its when they get quiet that I get worried!
I also agree. My daughter's friends weren't allowed to shreik either!!! At least not at my house!!
"its when they get quiet that I get worried!" is so true. That is when they are up to something!
My DS was babysitting my DD and my friend's DS at our house one evening. The kids were around 3-4 years old.
When we got home, we asked how the kids were doing. She innocently answered: "Oh they have been very quiet for the last hour or so." You have never seen two sets of parents run so fast into DS's room. :lol: The kids had systematically taken everything out of every drawer, every shelf, every cubby that they could somehow manage to get into and tossed it on the floor. At least it was only that kind of mess, could have been worse :lol: :gig

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
FarmerDenise said:
Beekissed wrote:
Same here. No shrieking allowed unless you are spurting from an artery! Never could stand that and there is really no excuse for it at all.

I love hearing kids play, the louder the better....its when they get quiet that I get worried!
I also agree. My daughter's friends weren't allowed to shreik either!!! At least not at my house!!
"its when they get quiet that I get worried!" is so true. That is when they are up to something!
My DS was babysitting my DD and my friend's DS at our house one evening. The kids were around 3-4 years old.
When we got home, we asked how the kids were doing. She innocently answered: "Oh they have been very quiet for the last hour or so." You have never seen two sets of parents run so fast into DS's room. :lol: The kids had systematically taken everything out of every drawer, every shelf, every cubby that they could somehow manage to get into and tossed it on the floor. At least it was only that kind of mess, could have been worse :lol: :gig
My nephew was four years old when he got very quiet at my parent's house. He was burning a plastic knife in the gas heater and letting it drip onto the hardwoods! Luckily we found out just in the nick of time! He didn't get burned and the plastic hardened and was scraped up easily.

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
Henrietta23 said:
Be right back, I'm going to check on the kid and the puppy........
:yuckyuck :gig

(BTW..My daughter's best frien Lylia and her big brother Nick were both adopted in Russia...wonderful children. :love)


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Well, let me tell you what happened today!!

Our friend's teens watch our oldest 4 kids while E has therapy. It's only about 3 hours max, after travel time, but they have a new pond. We've told our kids, given them strict orders, that they are NOT to go near the pond if the parents aren't there...ONLY are they allowed to be down there if they are taken down by full adults, not the teens watching them.

We got there to pick up our kids at the same time that the Dad to the teens came home. Now, there are 7 kids in this other family, so add 4 of ours, and you have 11 kids ranging from 15 all the way down to 2. Only my 10 yr old DD was in the house...my boys were no where to be seen...The teens were watching TV and when asked where my other three were, the answer was "I dunno" with shoulders shrugged.

Two of the middle kids ran out the back door and said they told the boys to come on, because they were outside. Fifteen minutes pass...no boys. I tell DD to tell her brothers it's time to go home..she goes out side...another 15 minutes, no kids...I walk out the back door and they are all down by the pond!!!! all 4 of my kids!!!!!! DD starts chasing frogs instead of telling her brothers it was time to go! I was LIVID. I hollered for them to come on it's time to go!!

I get back in the house and I tell Ernie where they were. Well, our friend calls his teens into the room and asked them, "Do you know where the kids were?" They answered No. He tells them they were down by the pond. He asks the teens what were they doing. Watching TV!!!!!!

Needless to say, Dad's not too happy with his teens, as not only were they supposed to be watching my kids, but they are responsible for their younger siblings, too. They were too engrossed in TV/movies and just let the kids do whatever...

I felt bad, because he grounded his kids from TV and video games for the rest of the summer, but at the same time, what if one of the kids had drowned????!!!

So we've agreed that when my kids are there my kids will not be allowed outside if the teens are in charge and no adults are there. My kids have been grounded for a week. (It's punishing me if I ground them for longer than that! :p )