What is wrong with kids today - or What comes after TWO?


Power Conserver
Jul 6, 2009
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What is wrong with kids today?
I've been told, the problem is those of us that won't put up with the BS some parents allow!
I got a letter from my sister the other day! I guess I have a whole list of faults and one of them is that I am mean to her 8(?) year old daughter?
She was here the other day and was caught chasing my birds! I might have came unglued! She has been here a million times, it was the second time she had been caught! I'm pretty lax around here, but bugging my birds is big NO NO, she knew this!
This little girl is known for lying, stealing, back talking and just being one of them sneaky little creatures that puts you on edge when ever she is around!
Dad still hasn't found all his shaving stuff! Who knows what she did with it!
And I am mean?
The funny part is, her brother was the same way, just not as bad! I was always after that boy for something!
The nephew is now 23(?), has a kid of his own, has spent time with his little sister and now understands why his mean auntie XXX was the way she was!
Him and I get along pretty good!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
My daughter (#1) had a temper tantrum at a store once when she was about 2 or so. She wanted something (can't remember what but we were at the grocery store) and when we told her NO she began yelling screaming and threw herself down on the floor kicking and pitching a real doozy of a fit.

We just walked on calmly down the aisle and around the corner into the next aisle.

Daughter finally stopped screaming and looked around - she noticed we weren't there and she quietly got up and walked down the aisle to where we were shopping. Last tantrum at a store.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
I think after hearing her count..ONE...TWO...a few times, I would have SHOUTED...THREE!! :lol:
When our kids were young...I told them, " if you wander too far from me in the store..a gypsy will take you, and sell you to MEAN parents. One day, my daughter was maybe 4, and I had her in the cart. I parked her at the end of the isle..and was going to go about 15 feet up the isle to get something....as I walked away she screamed in her little shrill voice... " MOM, SOMEONE IS GONNA STEAL ME AND SELL ME" I about died!!! Everyone came running, and was stareing.... :hide When I got back in front of her, I said in a low "mommy voice" After hearing your screams, they would bring YOU back" LOL


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Farmfresh said:
My daughter (#1) had a temper tantrum at a store once when she was about 2 or so. She wanted something (can't remember what but we were at the grocery store) and when we told her NO she began yelling screaming and threw herself down on the floor kicking and pitching a real doozy of a fit.

We just walked on calmly down the aisle and around the corner into the next aisle.

Daughter finally stopped screaming and looked around - she noticed we weren't there and she quietly got up and walked down the aisle to where we were shopping. Last tantrum at a store.
You are so right there!

Just don't acknowledge the behavior, they don't get a rise out of you and they realize IT doesn't work!!!

I walk away also when a little bad behavior starts like that in a store and the kid realizes there is no reason to keep it up, and just stops! Works well for me!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
My son was that way with his only child, my grandson. Now, dont get me wrong..I love my grandson...HOWEVER....I told my son.. " If you cant stop the screaming fits...dont bring him over." I would be literally shakeing before they left! My son FINALLY realised what was going on, the child controlling him, and put a quick stop to it.
Ya see, this is not his natural son, he adopted him, and wanted to be the "perfect daddy, that never spanked or raised his voice" Ummm, yeah, THAT doesnt work! We are ALL so much happier, now that my son is being a parent, and not a best friend. I have my grandson stay the night now...and he is a BIG help around the place.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I was in a restuarant last night and could barely hear myself think over the little fellow screaching across the room. You know that very high pitched squealing that only bats and mothers can hear? I don't know why people let their kids make that sound, but above all others, it is calculated to make me want to commit murder....mine or theirs, it wouldn't matter....as long as the pain stops! :duc

I sat there with my spinal cord in a twist and thought of this thread! :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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OMG! the restaurant!!!
One of the worst places to have the screaming kid!
parents need to remove the brats and fast..HA HA HA---yes it is literally a knife thru the head, a spear thru the spine or 50,000 fingernails down a chalkboard...well you get the drift...HA HA

My Mom tells this story all the time....one time all of us 3 kids went out and the table next to ours came up to my mom when leaving and said it was a pleasure to sit near us....they said we 3 kids acted wonderful. Mom just beamed! Little did they know we were told (threatened from day one) if we ever acted up in a restuarant it would be our last day on earth...HA HA HA

To this day my Mom just gloats on our behavior in restaurants--she had a victory! :)

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