what would you do ??????


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
Evening Shade, AR
It will mean though...my hubby away more too pull it off. and even more on my sholders.....but...could be worth it...maybe not completely in dollars...but in what is priceless...
This is the exact situation that doc_gonzo and I are in at this point. He's working 50 - 70 hours a week which doesn't leave him much time to do things around the property. So, I do all that I can by myself and don't sweat what I can't/won't do (as in run the chainsaw when I'm here alone...that's totally his job.;) ).

We had thought about running goats on the land at one point until we figured out the cost of fencing the place in...cha-ching!

Then, on top of balking over the cost of fencing we realized that a good bit of our land is loaded with low-bush blueberry bushes. The berries are small but make up for their size with the bestest blueberry taste! The blueberries won hands down over the goats.

That's when I decided to look into alternative ideas and came upon the ginseng/goldenseal option. It won't "break the bank" to get started and it's something that I can easily do on my own and will enjoy/love doing. :D


Power Conserver
Aug 10, 2011
Reaction score
What the other posters said ... We had a small forested lot behind our house, we thought about buying it but didn't. Now we can look right into our new neighbor's house from our living room. No privacy, unless we keep the blinds drawn.

Dreaming of Chickens

Power Conserver
Sep 4, 2011
Reaction score
S.W. Louisiana
cheepo, just wondering if you could give us an update on that property you were thinking of buying. I've been having my fingers crossed for ya!!


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 14, 2009
Reaction score
I would buy it. Always great to buy the land up around you. I have my eyes on all the neighboring homes.One has great trees and a wooded area.Our lot was stripped of trees by previous owners,so I really want the tree lot!


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
thank you..4 your interest.....was gonna post an update when I had good news...as it all has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster ride...
for some reason they seem to think that this lot zoned as a possible subdivision...with a potential..10- 16 homes...why my lot..!!!!.If you could only
know how incredibly tranquell and peacefully private it is now...
actually we are so very very blessed..as .an offer was put in december 5th...and declined..
unfortunately we have to put in our retirement savings..and 4 years..to get it..
but I am convinced we are making a good decision...
actually fingers crossed...as we have a meeting with the realtor tomorrow..
and It is time to renew our house morgage so already have gone over things and should be fine...
and my hubby was very happy yesterday, that aparently we can claim via his business acount as an investment
so might not be quite as bad with taxes...

Your words and inspiration.....were a great help 2 me...really confirmed things...


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
ok...thought I would add a bit of final info...update...

When I first called the realestate office...the fellow...kept going on...comparing the area..to...the next street over...that yes has a lot of new homes...but is quite a bit bigger than this property...
Honestly...I really couldn't get the comparison...
didn't really feel like he was on my side...kinda part of a big boys club...but he also said it wasn't the city that we thought that owned it but an estate sale...aparently a father died and the kids are selling...

then our morgage broker said...that we had to get the property assesed...
we thought who do we call..and decided to get in touch with the lovely nice girl who sold us our home....
and she gave us..3 numbers...
But then in dealing with one...he was quoting an insane amount of money...because...it wouldn't be a straight forward assesment..and couldn't promise anything ...so we called carla back..

I was really feeling sorta obligated...That I was getting us into financial owing....and had to figure out a way to get it back

first idea (from dawn...thank you...).ginsing..1 acre has the most lovely overgrown forest...so should be a very good compatable area
second....thought...there is all this moss on the ground everywhere. even though my hubby is skeptical ..I am gonna find a way to market that...
third...there was lots..of wild mushrooms growing here....I spent days researching trying to figure out if they were edible or poisonous....
but is the right climate for mushrooms..so thought ****akee and blue oyster farming...

thought of a name for my venture...."backyard source"
really planning to step it up in getting products ready for the farmers market.

must get back to selling on ebay...actually did quite well one year...

around this time...my hubby called our acountant...when we were trying to get it together to own a home...he was advised to incorporate...so my hubby does have this account....aparently...it can be run as an investment...and anything in atached to the property is a wright off...and I made him call back....because this seemed to good to be true...but classifying it as an investment and comming out of the incorporate acount..we don't pay tax on it only if we sell...
what this means...is essentially the money we would have payed on tax is going to actually purchasing the property....which takes the edge off...

when the real estate agent came...she had first gone to the city...aparently...the city has seen this as there future wanna be housing development.area.....
I guess there aren't that many places in a small town to expand...

Now..aparently linking our propery with this makes everything all the more valuable...
and in negotiations...our realestate agent ...was told not to have our address known...
took 2 nerve wrenching days....but is price is now settled...and so long as everything goes well.... on february 14th...it is ours...But my hubby still is very antsey about finances...

I wish prices...were like yours in the states...but is all rather
insane... here..

I am just in such a daze....

I wanted this...only so my world would never have to change...and we wouldn't have to live through distruction....but we actually may stand to be in the future a good financial possition....

My hubby thinks (not right now...cause we are so stretched)...but there is a lovely meddow...behind our new property....that if we had too...now...linking ..everything together could stand to be a substantial profit...

so maybe it wasn't too bad after all to gamble our retirement...

I really really love our place...I am just so happy and content...really wouldn't want anything to change...for years...I saw myself never leaving...
but now...I actually have...tons of space to actually run a self sustainable garden...

it is an insane venture...I have taken on to clear it...but I am so excited...


Power Conserver
Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
rural central FL
Take a deep breath, cheepo. You aren't gambling your retirement here, but investing in it if you see yourself living here "forever". With approximately 10,000 "Baby Boomers" turning 65 each day now ... which way do you think the stock markets will go over the next two decades?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
Evening Shade, AR
Congrat's cheepo! :hugs

Growing culinary mushrooms is another great idea. We discussed it when we first moved to our land as we have tons of wild mushrooms growing here. A friend of ours has offered to help get us started but he's dealing with some health issues right now so we've moved that project to the back burner for the time being.

I am so excited for you! :celebrate


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 14, 2009
Reaction score
Congrats on the purchase. I hope it all works out. It is typical that people see $$$$$ when certain buyers show interest. I am interested in my neighbors homes,but will never tell them because it will jack up orices in the furture. We will always make offers in a way to keep our identity private(if that is even possible).


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
wow that was wild to read

but you got it? Feb 14 is closing? that is only about a month away. I hope all goes well.

hmm.....that meadow?? is it calling your name?


don't worry about the meadow right now. you saved your land and view and all that and yes your land now becomes alot more valuable all linked together.

we have 80 acres that is landlocked mostly. it would cost tons of money to buy the land I need from a major road to get into our land. It makes it so much lower in value not having road access. our dirt road is deeded as a right of way of 20 ft. it takes 45 ft to make a usuable road here and no way would all the 'cousins' on this road into the farmland ever give up enough land to make a usuable and deedable road. BUT 2 lots are on the far backside of the land. Tony called. NO EGRESS is allowed thru those lots into our land. The restrictions nailed us cause we were going to buy both lots, get access to our property and boom, value thru the roof. Nope ain't happening. I tell ya it is hard out there lol

so glad someone out there did well on a property situation!!!! :)

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