What ya did today?


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
ohiofarmgirl said:
tried to shovel out the kitchen....... F- for sure. tried to convince hubby that i'd love him more if he did it. he wasnt buying it for a second mostly b/c yesterday i ran my mouth and told him i COULDNT love him anymore... ha! so there you go. shot myself in the foot with that one.



City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Made myself get up (funny I that never is a problem when I don't have to go to work) :/

Packed my lunch.
Fixed a couple of eggs for breakfast.
Checked up on you guys.
Went to work.
12:30 Went to lunch. Scarfed my yogurt and left over part of a turkey leg (from RenFest) while driving to my D1's house. Watered my broiler chicks and checked on them. Zoomed back to work.
Came home changed clothes.
Let my pullets out to range in the backyard.
Checked my lima beans growing on the fence and looked in the backyard garden for ripe tomatoes.
Checked on you guys. and email.
Threw a dirty sheep hide (wool on) that I have been using for a truck seat cushion into the washer with 1/2 cup of Murphy's oil soap and let it wash. (The first one I tried like this turned out great!)
Fixed dinner. (Tonight we had pan fried lamb burgers with rosemary and garlic and homemade mac and cheese and hot pickled veggie medley. The lamb was purchased on the hoof and everything else but the noodles and cheese was home grown and processed.)
Played on this devil trap.
Watched Futurama.
Did another load of laundry.
Baked a cake.
Loaded the bread machine to bake bread for tomorrow.
Ate cake.
Fed dog. Locked up chickens.
Ready for bed.

old fashioned

Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 10, 2009
Reaction score
Tacoma, Wa
TanksHill said:
I usually watch a bit of news while I drink my coffee, Joyce Meyer.
I love her & watch her all the time!

Today I hit the snooze & slept in, then had to rush to get DS2 to school on time. When I got back home it was time to get DS3 up & ready & off to the bus.
Fed & watered the critters
Then started a huge batch of chicken broth to cook down all day & will can it tomorrow.
Ran some errands.
puter time
Fixed supper.
puter time & helped kids with homework
get the kids showered & in bed
watch some tv
hit the sack around 11:30pm

I didn't do alot today, but more than I wanted too :p Tommorrow is another story, will be canning chicken broth & pickles.


Power Conserver
May 6, 2010
Reaction score
Colfax WI
Got up and woke up the 3 oldest for school.
Got my self ready for class while they got ready.
Fed kids breakfast and wolfed down a yogurt in between everything
got them out the door to the bus
Woke up DW so I could get going to class
Class from 9:00 to 11:00
Class from 11:10 to 12:10
Classes done for today
Went and fixed 4 shingles that the wind caught and broke for a client
Stopped by my storage to grab another piece of barn beam and some 100 year old maple from an old piano I dismantled about 5 years ago for some more drop spindles
Helped DW get dinner together
DW, DD1 and I washed, sliced, blanched and vaccum packed about 18 lbs. of carrots
worked on a little calculus homework
checked in here
Now it is off to bed

Tomorrow is more class and turning a new batch of drop spindle whorls


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
Spotsylvania, Virginia
Went to bed at 2am, woke up a 6:30 am, had coffee, took shower, woke up son, woke up daughter, cooked breakfest, got dressed for work - left dishes for hubby (evil laugh),feed and watered chickens, cat and dog, daughter currently suspended for defending herself in fight so she stayed home with DH- I reminded her to take out trash, made son go brush his teeth and wash his face again since teeth were still yellow and he had white crusties Did my hair, gave up on my hair, searched frantically for my keys, got son to bus stop and loaded him up, went to work, watched grumpy boss walk in the door and listened to him yell and slam thinks all day whilst being crabby to the general population. Listened to people complain about their bill all day and apologize for a lot of things that weren't my fault. Told bossman I'd work late today, then had to jet out a few minutes early to pick up daughters school work before office closed since I had mistakenly taken both sets of car keys and hubby couldn't go. Verified DH and DD had indeed picked up DS from the bus stop (after panicking since I wasn't the one doing it and felt I had to remind them at least 5 differnt times). Rushed from the school back to the office because I forgot something, rushed to store, rushed home, made a tartar sauce that would make you slap your momma it was so good while DH fixed most of the rest of dinner. Knocked out a load of clothes, fussed at kids to clean up since they had trashed den and dinning room. Ate dinner, gave son a bath, sent my DD away to take bath.....

Fell asleep in front of computer typing this LOL

Went to bed


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
FarmFresh, I am so glad you have time to check on us in your busy day!!

Old Fashioned, my Auntie lives in Mo. I think watching Joyce is a prerequisite if you live there. :gig She is on at 5am here which is perfect for me. Right between getting hubby out the door and kids getting up. I like her no nonsense attitude.

Today will be pretty much the same as yesterday for me. Except I will first need to finish the things I did not get done.

i.e. Dry cleaner pick up, feed store, put away the laundry I washed and dryed. Clean up my kitchen mess. I don't know what it is in there but at the end of every day it looks like a bomb wet off.




Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
well stopped to check the board but today is a work day for me

all I didn't do yesterday, well doing it today LOL

none of us should work too darn hard lol

edited to say working on soap biz the minute I woke up and Nicole missed the school bus because of it lol
had to drive her

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
LOL I wanted to answer this yesterday cuz I actually DID something. I mean other than letting out the animals, carefully moving them between pastures to separate for feeding, boys vs girls, hay and bug access, etc. Followed by feeding, watering, cleaning, and a trip to the feed store.

I actually took a shower in the MIDDLE of the day, put on clothes not stained by any sort of muck, and even a little makeup, and went INTO THE CITY!!! (Ta Da! Except for church, grocery store, and feed store, I haven't been anywhere in about two months.)

First stop was a plant nursery. I wanted a mini rose bush for a special date memento. A big treat for me -- purely ornamental flowers. Well, they didn't have any. And the mud that looked dried wasn't and I got a lot of muck on my one pair of shoes that I try not to get mucky LOL. I looked around, but nothing there for me. Enjoyed a bit of sunshine though and admired a cool bench made from a stone slab placed over two stone blocks.

Next stop was the AT&T store. An errand. Don't ask ... I hate places like that. A bit crowded, long wait, they couldn't do what I came for and ended up messing up my phone plan and couldn't fix it so I have to call the 800 number. Oh well.

A used bookstore. A big one. I have too many books anyway, but there are some I need and I'd always loved this store. Haven't been there in years. So I was excited to get to go.

Sigh. I browsed every category I was interested in and found NOTHING. Not even a good craft book or cookbook. The only agricultural books were devoted to pigs only or were a slick overview picture book that might appeal to someone who liked the idea of a backyard farm but would never really do it. Nothing useful there. The only remotely SS book I could find was on blacksmithing. No canning book, which I really need. I asked and they proudly showed me a section of books which had nice pictures but essentially just a few fruit jelly and jam recipes, and a couple of salsas in one. Nothing truly practical. Overpriced to boot.

I've never gotten out of there without a double armload if books, but this time I bought zilch. The prices are higher, and it looks to me that the books are mostly slick picture books that appeal to romantic ideas of doing something -- not useful nuts and bolts kinda books that I really want. I wonder if it's a fluke, or a testament about a section at least of society?

I was getting discouraged. Essentially three misses in a row, and I don't get out often. Then I went to a big Goodwill store. I found some cute belts for making into goat collars, some much-needed plates, saucers, bowls (good thing I don't mind having a mish-mash), various other kitchen things I needed (though not the rolling pin I'd hoped to find) and even a book about making crafts from leftover scraps. Oh, and some heavy duty trays that will make great goat and goose feeders, some wooden storage boxes, a nice old-fashioned jar vase that will look great with wildflowers, and a pretty little box with bird nests design on it that I couldn't pass up. Not sure what I'm going to do with that last one but I wanted just one pretty just-because thing. I spent $20 but it was quite a haul. :)

Then on the way home I stopped at an ethnic market (a bit if good luck there -- I've been looking for a good one and I found this one because the one I had planned to try was closed down). This one had amazingly fresh and inexpensive meats and fish. A wide variety of common and uncommon produce, also very cheap. And a huge variety of spices for great prices. A very clean, large, well-stocked, and inexpensive ethnic market. They didn't have some things I was looking for, but they are my new favorite and I did get some things.

Got caught in city traffic trying to get home. I do NOT miss rush hour traffic!!! And why do they call it rush hour anyway, when all the cars are sitting still? :p

It was almost dark when I got home. The goats wouldn't even speak to me (they usually all run up and baaaaa when I drive up) but just lined up and stared at me. Got them milked, fed, and put away though. I got all my animal chores done except the little bit of scratch I give the guineas before I lock them up. It was too dark and they don't eat in the dark.

It was a good day overall. :) I'm glad it got better, LOL.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Yesterday I went SPEED shopping. 3 thrift stores, Mill End, Old Navy and Famous Footwear in less than 2 hours, before my bellydance class.

Got a pizza pan (on my wish list), 2 corelle teacups (on my wish list), WOOL yarn (on my wish list), and 3 awesome sweaters - 2 of them were new with tags.

I also bought wool flannel and a cute pair of jeans a size too big. I plan to line the jeans for hunting season.

I started knitting the hideous bright pink wool yarn into long socks to go with my winter boots (for hunting). I knit on #2 of a pair of anklet socks.

Cleaned up most of the house except the kitchen. :D lol

Knitting is taking up most of my time, but I have a portrait to work on that I am super excited to start tonight.

urban dreamer

I wanna farm
Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score
Sherwood, Arkansas
I got up this morning, fed the cats, shower, fed me, fed chickens, went to work where I'll be until 4:30 and then go to class until 9 tonight. I'm not getting squat done today!

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