Sustainability Master
pigs in a blanket in the oven right now. weenies left over are being roasted along with them.
I love supper planovers for breakfast!
Today I took a big, 12# ham from the freezer. Not truly wanting the heat from cooking it -- BUT I need freezer room, it was meat near top, haven't had ham in a while AND working job all week. So, meals, sandwiches -- will share a couple pounds with DD & a couple with DS. They can make sandwiches all week. Then, there's the obligatory big pot of beans for more meals to share and finally, DSs dog will get the bone.
Several lives for that chunka pig.PLUS bought on markdown at 89 cent a lb. Win, win!
These were yum..and low carb. @frustratedearthmother the home canned chicken rockedKeto chicken strips. Pint of drained shredded canned chicken, one egg, 1 cup of cheddar cheese. Shaped into logs. 400 degree oven for 20 minutes. Now to get through the kitchen work first