What's for dinner?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 15, 2024
Reaction score
SW Washington
I see tilapia on clearance at Wallys every so often. Its been a few years since I have used it. With prices the way they are rising, maybe its time to test it out again.
We love tilapia, but I wouldn't wait for it to be on special. It might be price reduced because of age. Best to eat it fresh. A great mild fish that lends itself to a panko breading and frying, or baked in a nice lemon sauce.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 15, 2024
Reaction score
SW Washington
the recent baked beans were made from the last batch of 4 gallons of beans i cooked up. when i'm sorting beans or going through my collection and paring it down i keep a container marked "Eating Beans" and anything that is edible can go in those, so i can only guess at how many varieties of beans are in there, but at times it is easily over 100. i have one last container of those beans that will get cooked up next time i do a big batch.

i have to get ready for the next round of planting and that also means going through the collection and deciding which ones i'm not growing again. so yet another container of "Eating Beans" is already started, but whenever i cook it will get included with other bulk beans to make up a big enough batch. sometimes Mom buys Navy Pea Beans or Great Northern Beans because she likes those to add more and they make a nice contrast for all the darker beans. i don't grow either of those - they're beans i've grown up eating and have probably eaten over a thousand lbs of them through the years - i don't dislike them in terms of flavor, but i don't find them visually interesting so i don't want to devote time and space to growing them when they can be easily purchased for not much $. besides i have a lot of other projects i'd like to have that space for growing and then my own bulk beans. one of which is called Yellow Eye and it is a good soup bean so i would rather grow that one instead.
When you separate out the "eating beans", why do you name them that? Do you also have a container of "don't eat beans"? What do you do with those? I'm just curious. Why not just call them beans?🤔