got the taxes done, went to HD to look for a new front door, ordered my fencing, got the paperwork at the courthouse to register our farm name...did a load of wash and hung it on the out the craft bag for the neices visit. Whew, im done!
Did 3 loads and put them on the line. Cleared part of a spot just inside the woodline for a picnic table - still lots to do there.
Expanded the "rock wall" with the rocks pulled from the newly cleared land. (It's more like a rock train-there's no height). Finished clearing the garden. DH and I tilled the garden. Then all 4 of us got on our hands and knees and pulled rocks out of the garden and put then in the wheel barrow for additions to the rock wall.
Washed dishes, mopped floor - house work in general.
Getting ready to stuff DS in the tub then it's bed for him, bed for DD and shower and bath for me! Woooo hooooo!