Food Guru
There is a lot you can do right now to prepare for having animals....did you say which critters you want to get? For dairy animals, you can start gathering cheesemaking equipment (much of which can be made for a fraction of the cost of buying it) and a couple of recipe books, even making a simple cheese or two. Also make yogurt and other dairy items so you are familiar with the process and it becomes second nature. You will appreciate that when you have seven gallons of milk in the fridge suddenly and you don't know what to do with it....ask me how I know.
For meat animals, you can buy in bulk right now and learn some new recipes, and different ways to put it up. I love pressure canning meat and soups, stews, chili, spaghetti sauce with meat, etc. You can make your own salt pork and discover the wonders of greens cooked with salt pork. Buy some larger or less common cuts of lamb or goat if that is a direction you may go in, and learn how to deal with that. Learn the cooking methods for grass-fed beef/goat/lamb/chicken/turkey, which can be very different from factory farmed versions.
That reminds me, I need to experiment with some sausage and hotdog recipes with purchased pork so I'll be ready for our first pigs, getting processed in a month or so!
Laying hens....research egg recipes like quiches, frittatas, custards, etc. and learn which ones you like and don't like.
For meat animals, you can buy in bulk right now and learn some new recipes, and different ways to put it up. I love pressure canning meat and soups, stews, chili, spaghetti sauce with meat, etc. You can make your own salt pork and discover the wonders of greens cooked with salt pork. Buy some larger or less common cuts of lamb or goat if that is a direction you may go in, and learn how to deal with that. Learn the cooking methods for grass-fed beef/goat/lamb/chicken/turkey, which can be very different from factory farmed versions.
That reminds me, I need to experiment with some sausage and hotdog recipes with purchased pork so I'll be ready for our first pigs, getting processed in a month or so!
Laying hens....research egg recipes like quiches, frittatas, custards, etc. and learn which ones you like and don't like.