Where would you go????


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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JRmom said:
I can't imagine leaving this country. What do you mean by "bad enough"? Civil unrest or war? That is my "bad enough" but I still wouldn't want to leave. I'd hightail it to my cabin and defend my land, myself, and my country and constitution 'til death do us part.
Now this gal is MY KIND of woman.
"Saepe Expertus, Semper Fidelis, Fratres Aeterni!"
Here, here! I am reminded of the Minuteman monument, the words are those of Captain John Parker who said"if they mean to have a war, let it begin right here!".

Like my USMC pilot friend told the Iranians when they threatened to send interceptors after him..."Go ahead. Send 'em up. I'll wait"

I'm NOT going anywhere. I've tried the "island thing" and it gets old rather fast. Water, shelter and food are at a premium and that is only if the other forms of life are hospitable. Some are definitely NOT! Go rent "Cast Away" and then we can talk about the "island" thing again.

This is MY country. I spent 40 years in the uniform of this country and I'm not "leavin' it". "Politics be da**ed". In the words of another soldier, "This we will defend!"

Imagine what it would be like if all of our forefathers decided to bail out when they were threatened by the likes of the worlds most superior army? We'd still be British subjects, NOT free men/women.

Stand your ground folks. If the bozo's that want to destroy this country want to think they will get away with it, running isn't the answer. I'd rather hide behind a tree and drop 'em like cord wood with a long rifle. Remember, aim big, hit big. Otherwise, we'll be speaking a foreign language and doing "what we are told" if they let us live. No thanks. "Homey don't play dat" Go look up the term "Dhimitude". That is what the Sharia Law folks want to do with you "NON-believers".

O and by the way, remember what Patandchickens said? The Kiwi's don't need any more people unless you have a valuable profession and can support yourself. Just because NZ is beautiful, it doesn't mean they want refugee's. You need to be able to show that you have $250K in resources to go there.

And by the way, my daughter was born in Texas so I can go back if I want. I just don't speak enough spanish to want to stay just now, thank you very much. (only 11 million people in Corpus Christi, you know and the majority of them do NOT speak English as a first language". I'm WAY better off in SDAK. Trust me on that!

So, my dear ones, always remember the wisdom of "Dorothy". "There's NO PLACE LIKE HOME!"

Not a sermon, just a thought.
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Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
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In the past two years we have been seeing yard signs popping up here and there. They simply say "America, prayer is our only hope" and it indicates some Bible verse. I'm sure some church is handing these out (or selling them) and encouraging their display. While I consider myself a decent Christian, church going, legal citizen these signs really tick me off. Yes prayer, to me, is important - BUT IT IS DEFINITELY NOT OUR ONLY HOPE!

To me a more effective way to improve our chances (HOPE) for national survival is for every legal American family to:
1. For each legal citizen to diligently study each political candidate on a personal level and begin (for the first time) to vote on a more intelligent manor.
2. Take politicians down off the pedestals that we have elevated them to. Begin treating and speaking to them like the scumbag, narcissistic, control freaks that they really are. For some strange reason we have made these do-nothings rock-stars and form worship fan clubs. Very strange treatment of hired help.
3. Never, never, never vote for a person who has gone to law school.
4. To stop spoiling our youth and to teach them "things" that our liberal government schools choose not to teach or to teach wrong. Homeschooling is one answer to this problem.
5. Discipline your children. Learn that discipline and punishment are two entirely different things. Do not allow your kids to be whiners.
6. To throw away EVERY hand-held electronic gadget in your home. Many folks cannot hold a decent conversation with out multiple interruptions by their stupid cell phones or I-pads, or DS thingamajig. These electronic toys are turning good productive people into morons. Just wait until the zombies unite and have instant mob garden, kitchen, or coop raids at your house.
7. Arm yourself and family to the max. Learn how to safely use your armament and practice, practice, practice. Discuss with every member of your family how and when you want the arms used. There is a lot more to learning how to safely use your arms than pointing and shooting.
8. If you are the "head of the household" learn to be an assertive leader under duress. Learn how to take control of all situations with a firm hand.

Do these things seem a little (or a lot) radical? What will you do when the big government, foreigners, or the local zombies are armed and at your front door? Will you have to ask them to have a seat on the front porch and wait until you learn how to handle a situation like that? Self sufficiency takes on a totally new meaning when you are under attack. Think about it.


Power Conserver
Apr 26, 2011
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Southern In-Clark Co
Hmmm, I like the idea of forming my own country-

One where if you didn't work, you didn't eat.

If you abused children, the eldery, the infirm or animals, the same treatment would be visited on you.

If you bought, sold or used drugs, you got one chance to get clean. The second offense gets you the death penalty.

The only "rights" you have are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness-not healthcare, not same-sex marriage, not a handout.

You are NOT forced to pay for others' laziness or foolishness.

The role of the government is to provide infrastructure (roads, bridges etc), denfense and justice. No bailouts, no babysitting, no wealth redistribution.

I guess my deal place would look more like our founding fathers intended instead of this big hot mess we have now.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
Reaction score
hiker said:
Hmmm, I like the idea of forming my own country-

One where if you didn't work, you didn't eat.

If you abused children, the eldery, the infirm or animals, the same treatment would be visited on you.

If you bought, sold or used drugs, you got one chance to get clean. The second offense gets you the death penalty.

The only "rights" you have are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness-not healthcare, not same-sex marriage, not a handout.

You are NOT forced to pay for others' laziness or foolishness.

The role of the government is to provide infrastructure (roads, bridges etc), denfense and justice. No bailouts, no babysitting, no wealth redistribution.

I guess my deal place would look more like our founding fathers intended instead of this big hot mess we have now.
Yeah, What Hiker said! :thumbsup We don't have to start a new country. WE have a good one. What we need is folks who believe in it and make it work. Right now, the number of them is dwindling and the number of folks who believe that we should conform to the ways of the country/religion that they left behind. Well, "Homey don't play dat!"

We definitely agree here!
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